Is there a benfit to leaving plant whole while drying after harvest???


Well-Known Member
I'm harvesting my plant tomorrow.....I've seen a lot of pics of people cutting branches off and trimming leaves as close to bud as there any benefit to leaving plant whole until it dries and then trimming??????


Well-Known Member
for me its alot more of a pain in the ass to trim dry bud. the leaves curl up and get closer to the bud so its a bitch and shit breaks off easier. trimming is a pain in the ass regardless though.


Well-Known Member
leaving the leaves on just increases the drying time, some say it gives plants a litter extra time to build thc in the event of an early cut or something.


Active Member
longer dry time is the only + iv seen so far, but if you wana make bubble hash i sugest triming while fresh


Well-Known Member
For me there is no short answer to that question. While I generally "trim the bud", I may or may not leave it on the main branch, may or may not trim fans, etc.
The conditions when I harvest will dictate the way to go.
I have seasons of 80-95% R.H. and we also have times of 30-35% R.H. I take the humidity into account (along with temps) and work from there. The idea being that ideally I like 10-14 days of dry to around 65%.
Trimming to just the buds when it's relatively dry is much different for me when there's been rain & storm and the humidity is 90% @ 90 deg.
I know this didn't offer a quick and easy answer,, but maybe some idea why one chooses to do things a certain way? My intent is to stay on the safe side of mold, but still offer a longish dry before the cure. Then again, some just don't bother to cure. A lot about what you'd like in the end I guess.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
The biggest reason I encourage people and I do it myself to trim all the fans right away is because the taste of the fans will go to the buds.


Well-Known Member
Arrh, good point.
But if you let it dry, flush, and starve the nutes before harvest it doesn't seem to matter nearly as much. Most my fans are pretty well shot by that time anyways.
Of course it could be my deadened taste buds too.