Is the Market crashing everywhere?


Well-Known Member
Like the title says. I for one have always had no problem my stuff was gone before it was done. I have never been able to keep up with demand. When I saw other people bitching I just figured they didn’t have good quality.

Well I’m sitting on some of the best weed I’ve ever grown. It seems all of the sudden there is no market for weed and it seems like it happened over night. Im seeing people take less than it cost to grow a lb. Just so they can get by.

Im shutting down half my rooms and dropping all patients that don’t shop with me throughout the month and only want their free oz. I’m thinking of looking for new patients on the conditions they are heavy smokers and won’t go to the store to buy shwag to save 30-40 bucks from my already discounted quality herb.

Pics so you can see what I mean quality wise. I mean I know the stores are cheaper now, but not for stuff like this.

Okay won’t let me attach pics for some reason right now I’ll try on next post
Okay it won’t work right now but I upload a lot of pics on here. You guys have prob seen my stuff if not hit my dm I’ll share my ig account with you if your curious to see what I’m talking about.
I doubt it. People here are booming. Quality is another thing though. It would seem most people will settle for mids if the price is right. Which it seems like the price is always right these days, I hardly ever see anything with bag appeal these days and the quality is more like what I used to pay $20/8th and now they want $30-40. Can $60 buy me something really special? Nope. Dabs but I'm more of a flower guy most of the time.
All that said, locally I just shop dispensaries now days because here, where I'm located, it's good and roughly the same price unless we're talking about serious weight. I know my state is different than most though. Judging by your username I'm guessing I'm across the country from you.
Not what I expected but I figured you weren't in the Rockies haha. Good looking bud for sure, but you're so far away! :lol:
I'd gladly be a patient. My wife is an even heavier hitter than I.
I moved here a few years ago been on the forum longer than that. Originally from further south, but got tired of worrying about getting in trouble for growing a plant.
Move to aus lol. Full ounces of named goes for $400 and up. People are selling quarter Oz for $120 and up. I've seen green crack last week, $150 q, $260 half and $480 full. Absolute insanity.

It's the dead opposite here. Why I started growing myself.

Even shitty red balls of paclobutrazol sell for $350 an Oz here ATM.
Move to aus lol. Full ounces of named goes for $400 and up. People are selling quarter Oz for $120 and up. I've seen green crack last week, $150 q, $260 half and $480 full. Absolute insanity.

It's the dead opposite here. Why I started growing myself.

Even shitty red balls of paclobutrazol sell for $350 an Oz here ATM.
I recently saw 3oz for $75 at a Dispensary. Decent looking bud too. REALLY sucks here. Im assuming it's because 37 of the 50 States are now legal in one way or another, and legal States are feeding illegal States. With most legal States having unlimited plant count, its inevitable that it would come to this. It's going to be as cheap as sugar before long. May give this current round a finish, and bounce out of the legal market. You just can't make any money at it. You bust your balls for 5 months only to break even. I don't even know if there's a BM that pays anything now.. Fucking shit is everywhere.
I'd be perfectly happy shutting my op down, and getting a part time job, and just growing in my 4x8 for personal.... fuck the legal market. It's rigged.
It's bound to happen here soon..what I find odd though is a year and a half ago before we legalised it medically in our state, ounces were going for $250...the black market has seen an incredible boom here since medical legalisation.
It's bound to happen here soon..what I find odd though is a year and a half ago before we legalised it medically in our state, ounces were going for $250...the black market has seen an incredible boom here since medical legalisation.
That's because of the way the laws are written. I can legally have (as patient/cardholder), 24 mature (flowering) plants, and 24 seedlings. Most people are going to the BM without having to do reporting to the State, GPS tracking, SQ788 fees, State fees, local fees, seed to sale software fees, OBNDD fees, .... it's just too much for a grow op. Your fees and expenses outweigh your retail sales figures. Most people are just growing as patients, and then selling to the BM.... the State doesn't come and check on patients, or do inspections, or any of that other bullshit.
I don't know if I could even get anyones attention at $350 a .lb at this point.
and to think about the time, effort and finances you have invested. Plain not fair.

This is just random, but ages ago I had someone showed me some fire from a company called "compund HQ". It looked a million times better than the shit we got here which was all paclo or chlormaquat ridden ass. Fast forward a year or two and I find out that compound HQ is you. Small world
and to think about the time, effort and finances you have invested. Plain not fair.

This is just random, but ages ago I had someone showed me some fire from a company called "compund HQ". It looked a million times better than the shit we got here which was all paclo or chlormaquat ridden ass. Fast forward a year or two and I find out that compound HQ is you. Small world
Yessir!... I hope you enjoyed it!... you remember the strain?
Yessir!... I hope you enjoyed it!... you remember the strain?
Not off the top of my head. We were just blown apart by how much we got for an ounce, and how much terps it had. The only shit we could source at the time couldn't even fill the bottom of a small sandwhich bag for an ounce as it was that PGR laced. Small dark curly leaves, huge stems, red hair covered and zero smell. You were one of the reasons's we considered growing ourselves, and you were halfway across the world at that time.

The fact that it ended up in Aus blew my mind when i found out who it was from. All in all, I probably owe you a thanks for showing us in Aus what real weed was.