The internet will not become 'human' until it believes in Bigfoot and hates gays. I do not see self awareness as a necessary human trait, as most humans seem clueless about themselves.
And yet, there's this point, also. Humans made the Internet (after DARPA created it) It is driven solely by human needs/greeds/hopes/fears, expectations/regrets, etc. In that way it is something of the heart, if not the soul of humanity. It is 1/2 my brain already, since I am part of build out.
And then there is mob rule, mob psychology, and odd sub-cultures, shaping the world society. This is enabled and amplified by the Web. And, there is something to the idea of shared consciousness and the Quantum Mind. There are some interesting experiments going on with Group Think biasing random number generators. It's called the Global Consciouness Project sponsored by Princeton Univ.
I can't make this stuff up. But, it seems that big Global Horror shows like Bombings, Air Crashes, even the Political Contests, can get folks so wound up they bias to the negative, the random number generators. See for yourself?