Is the dream over for the Dreamers?

Fifteen states and the District of Columbia sued Wednesday to block President Donald Trump's plan to end a program protecting young immigrants from deportation — an act Washington state's attorney general called "a dark time for our country."

The lawsuit was filed in the Eastern District of New York. The plaintiffs were New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia.

In Washington, the AG put it even more succinctly

"It's outrageous, it's not right," an emotional Ferguson said at a news conference in Seattle. "As attorney general for the state of Washington, I have a hammer, it's the law."

Welcome to a true democracy Trump, and your going to lose, again.

Fifteen states and the District of Columbia sued Wednesday to block President Donald Trump's plan to end a program protecting young immigrants from deportation — an act Washington state's attorney general called "a dark time for our country."

The lawsuit was filed in the Eastern District of New York. The plaintiffs were New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia.

In Washington, the AG put it even more succinctly

"It's outrageous, it's not right," an emotional Ferguson said at a news conference in Seattle. "As attorney general for the state of Washington, I have a hammer, it's the law."

Welcome to a true democracy, asshole.
The administration's cover story was that they were going to be sued over it by 10 AGs from conservative States.

Oh, the irony!
Dylan Roof is a native and an unachiever; 9th grade dropout.

Nearly all DACA recipients finish high school and a larger proportion of them go to college than natives.

So who are we trying to get rid of, and why?

I don't think Trump gives a flying fuck about anything.

The whole motherfucking thing is about appealing to his rabid fake news ingesting base, many of whom post right here in this forum.
I don't think Trump gives a flying fuck about anything.

The whole motherfucking thing is about appealing to his rabid fake news ingesting base, many of whom post right here in this forum.
Fake news, fake government and fake achievements for fake(d) voters with fake educations.
Quote it, underachiever.
They're fucking lazy underachievers and don't like being shown up. Call it for what it is, mate!
"They're foreigners" so that makes them "lazy underachievers"? If that aint racist, I learned nothing living in Alabama all those years. Been called an underachiever all through school, had enough assets at 45 to not need a job. Bigger pile at 55. Underachieving in early life didn't slow me down much.