Is that really me in my avatar ??


New Member
what time is it my name is head?
what time is it tckfui?

It would be nice to meet and I just had my harvest so I would have some killas to puff on.


Well-Known Member
i got family mostly up north in canada a little above buffalo new york, and a lot of family in erie pennsylvania


New Member
i live in orlando mickey mouse town
i am currently real high
i took lots of pills yesterday and i cant remember the past 24 hours (literally every 5 min my momemory starts getting fuzzy)
idk where the eagls rant came from
like i said
im high
and another fun fact
marijuana increase your mental dissabilities
i have several
what kinda pills? benzos?

Sorry Dalia its just that texas seemed so much further away. how many time zones are in texas?


Well-Known Member
i took a half an oxycottin, a half a zanex than another xanex less than an hour later, then four clonazepam, and not to mention i smoked about half an ounce within 5 hours


New Member
I live in MA and there is a dunken donuts on every corner. No lie

This has got to be the fastest growing thread ever.

Are there even any other threads going on right now?


Well-Known Member
hey if you have another way for everyone on here to become closer friends....
or am i looking to get raped by some pervert on here...


New Member
becarfull dude mixing those two are no good. Its a good way to overdose. Be safe bro.

"where the dam baby wipes when you need them"


Well-Known Member
I believe there are seventy four timezones in texas :P JK
I'm in NY, were dunkin donuts kills people for kicks... or somthing like that?


New Member
what are we gonna all share our myspace acounts now? How many of y'all got myspace? Dalia you like how I keep saying y'all dontcha. wink wink.


Well-Known Member
no dude i am fine now its just my memory went to shit this past day ill probably be fine tomorrow morning i slept literally like all day