Is that really me in my avatar ??


New Member
One of my favorite pleasure's is asian horror films. i fucking love asian horror films. I wish they would make more video games like that. I even like the subtitles. I wouldn't mind them in a video game. My favorite horror movie is about theese two sisters is so creepy.


Well-Known Member
no i both questions.

but i heard folklore was a real good game.

well goodnight! :) i gotta do shit in the morning....boring.


New Member
wait now I remember its called a tale of two sisters. You guys all need to watch it. it like watching a painting. The colors are awesome and its filmed very artisticly. The director must have been a photogrpher first or some shit. But its wicked scary and twisted. Ok Im done rambling and Im going to bed.


New Member
no like i have a shitty life as in bad grades shitty job shotty love life nothin much to it
and i dont want to get caught but the only luck i have in my whole life is that i never ever get caught by the law doing something i have a clean record and i always will
Oh yeah and dude don't even listen to me. take drugs do what the fuck you want. none of my bizzness. what the fuck do I know.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... he survived.... But his face is all kinds of fucked now

Just thinking about it makes me want to beat him down again


Well-Known Member
Naw.... violence isn't good.... peace is what we need

but touch my family...

and I will personally remove your face


Well-Known Member
It's cool... ... ... ... ool ool

My city got fucked last night by a HUGE storm! Tornado alley is a scary place to be when you are having 70 degree winters after a 20 degree ice storm...

Armageddon is coming, and it's hitting OK first