Micro element deficiancies happens on new leaf. Macro nutrient deficiencie happen on older leaves.. For the clones it is normal sign it can last up to a month prior to cloning. A reason we clip the tip of the plants leaf to slow transpiration (water evaporation thru leaves causing the need to drink) for your plant it seems overall so i would check if root system are looking good. But there isen't any sign of droopiness. So i would just wait and check tomorriw if your calmag feed seems to help and give it a few days. Or feed it a well balance if nutrient.. Try to let the plant drie a little. If all those clones where taken from these mother. Maybe its under water stress (to much root system and water for the amount that leaf can pull. Which reduce nutrient intake and make it look like a deficiency.. Plant normaly don't feed has much after been cropped for cloning.. Give it a week before trying anything else.. To allow it to bounce back. Check lower leave and newer leaf... My bet is that it is just stunned. Wait for new grith to proceed with regular normal feeding. I have one that did this a while back and i didn't do anything too drastic. But i saw the roots were stuned so i let it be.