is something wrong?


Active Member
i started growing from clones sep 3. and i have never tried from clones. I got the clones from a medical club in burbank, i have 2 OG Kush plants and one plant that is unknown at the moment cause the guy who bought it for me picked up the wrong bag or something, but its cool cause that plant looks heathly lol.
here is the unknown
(sorry for the crappy quality i cant find my camera charger so i used my phone)

and here is where im a little worried, the 2 og kush plants are looking a little sick and i dont know whats wrong.

one of the leafs is drying and curling over

and the other plant just looks soft and flimsy

any feedback will help thanks:peace:

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
ASAP put a clear plastic cup over them and spray em up with some PHed water. and in the plastic cup as well.
that will keep up moisture, which is what they seem to lack.
I keep my clones about 2 weeks under cups after transplanting them.
or when they show a second node that grew after cutting them off the mother plant.