Is smoking weed a sin? (Share your thoughts)


Well-Known Member
i don't believe it matters what method you use. using anything for the sake of getting high, (imo) is sinful in the eye's of the Lord. drinking a glass of wine at dinner, o.k. drinking 5 glasses so you can get drunk, equals a sin.
I just don't understand how God's Shiva (Kind) form could reject Marijuana offerings.


Well-Known Member
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
-Genesis first chapter of THE HOLY BIBLE, all sins are listed in Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Mathew.
If you are curious what's a sin.


Well-Known Member
When jesus healed people he annointed them with an oil. There is a recipe for the same oil jesus used to heal people and the oil contained massive amounts of cannabis. So if jesus used it to heal people than im gonna use it as well.
Matthew 15:11 - "It is not what goes into your mouth, but what comes out that defiles you."

If smoking weed bring you further from God, then it is sinful. If it brings you closer to God, it must be righteous.

I think that weed relaxes me and makes me interested in things I might not be normally. I can toke and read the bible for hours. I don't remember a time that weed has turned me down an unrighteous path.


Active Member
My brother in law. Can read and write Greek. He's translated the Greek bible. That's where it's gets tricky. Words in the original Greek context can't translate to our language so we use filler words. Pretty cool stuff actually he's helped me with a lot of questions I've had about the bible etc. the meat comment is meant to be used in the context of use. He have it to us to use. My own beliefs are everything God made is beautiful and has purpose but when those things start to become your entire life am replace you wife or husband, kids, family, work, etc they become a sin because you are turning this thing into something you no longer have control over it now controls you.