is she savable?


Well-Known Member much light do you have on her and how far? How often do you water her? And have you checked your PH lately? Need to know the details to save your plant but it does look like overwatering more than heat stress because it's stretching.


Well-Known Member
i had her on a watering sched, the boyfriend didnt know, he wateredherwhile i was on a trip. so the soils soaked. any hope?


Well-Known Member
i had her on a watering sched, the boyfriend didnt know, he wateredherwhile i was on a trip. so the soils soaked. any hope?
hello you. over watering is a hard one. it's the only way i've ever killed a plant. let it dry out completely before watering again. mine seem to get so soaked that the roots locked up and the soil never dries. then they curl up and die.:evil:



Well-Known Member
changing the soil can help but doesnt mean you will stop the lockup. sometimes this will prove simply too tramatic to some plants.

i have some overwatered plants at another garden i will try to show you what i mean in a few hours when i get out there.


Well-Known Member
you could put some kinda heating mat under it but that might cause mold or something, i'm not really sure. Sorry i don't have a better idea good luck


Well-Known Member
when i acsidently poured way to much water in a pot before, i took a shitload of paper towels and pressed it on the soil and it started soaking a bunch of water up, the plant never showed any signs of over watering, and was fine.

dunno why other people dont suggest this, but worked for me.


Well-Known Member
Kas, that plant has alot of sativa in it. Hazes tend to get leaf curl due to over ferting. Im not saying it is a haze but it is def mostly sativa. I would say your best bet is to flush the soil and just use plain water. If you are not running 12/12 right now, you should start soon, because the stretch will get out of hand on you. Hope things go well. Dont worry about repotting them, more roots mean more bud.