Is she going to survive?

Will you look at that. You're the first person to actually ask these questions and not just shit on my original "confrontational" post. THIS IS THE SOIL I COULD AFFORD TO USE RIGHT NOW. Some of us don't have infinite amounts of money to spend on the best soil for every phase. Kudos to those of you that do. However if any of you had actually read the initial post instead of immediately criticizing my forum etiquette you'd know that it had helmet head, that's why the leaves are yellow. I simply asked if anyone had experience with that. But obviously this is more of an etiquette critique forum than one where you can actually get help growing.
It's such a basic issue. I gave you all of the advice needed. You used "armchair critic" wrong, which was humorous. Most members can and do grow seedlings. The issue isn't your medium, and time is the only fix.
That's rich. I'm the snowflake because I asked a question and specifically said I don't want to hear negative comments about the soil. I used the words arm chair critics. If someone had just answered my question or maybe asked a constructive one we could have avoided all of this. Now everyone wants to just pile on. I'm not offended by anything here other than the complete lack of a sense of humor and the utter pretentiousness of the members here. At this point in just enjoying fucking with all of you. Oh and I'm 46 btw. Call me immature if you want, but I've been smoking longer than a lot of you have been alive.
Yeah well my dad can beat up your dad.
That's rich. I'm the snowflake because I asked a question and specifically said I don't want to hear negative comments about the soil. I used the words arm chair critics. If someone had just answered my question or maybe asked a constructive one we could have avoided all of this. Now everyone wants to just pile on. I'm not offended by anything here other than the complete lack of a sense of humor and the utter pretentiousness of the members here. At this point in just enjoying fucking with all of you. Oh and I'm 46 btw. Call me immature if you want, but I've been smoking longer than a lot of you have been alive.

That would be a good trick considering I’m 42 lmao.

you been smoking since you were 4 lmao.
One last thing. I posted that exact initial post on 3 other forums and did not recieve ONE negative or condescending comment. So what did THAT say about the people here?

And you still haven’t given any details about your grow to diagnose any further issues anyway!

I asked and you didn’t answer!

Next time you’re in this situation don’t damage the seedling by removing the shell. Instead use some misted water to help to soften the shell.

the only thing you can do now is give it a good environment with high RH and enough light for its stage.
I have no idea what turtled is, I'm in no fear of having my journal locked because I don't have one, and wtf is Chuckers? Oh and way to take one sentence out of a whole post out of context there Herb. Apparently I'm too "ignorant" to measure up to the impeccably high community standards of a weed forum. I've been on this site for about a year and I have received zero helpful advice from it, but tons of snarky comments and unconstructive criticism. So I think I'll be ok if all of the sudden I'm kicked from the almighty Rollitup forum. I didn't realize the words arm chair and please could be so offensive to a bunch of pretentious stoners. I do have one last plant question though. I have this one that just has this one pale leaf, what should I do? Here's a pic:
Bam victim card :wall:
... Well in my experience with these forums and online in general people tend to want to just be critical instead of helpful ...
@drgonzo2476 - I am a little confused by your own words. Perhaps you can help us to understand why you came to RIU then. As demonstrated by your quote above, you purport that everyone online is critical instead of helpful ...
... I posted that exact initial post on 3 other forums and did not recieve ONE negative or condescending comment ...
... except for those three forums mentioned above that are throwing you such positive vibes. That's good that you found these other forums - but did you not receive a suitable response to those other posts?
I find my people skills are pretty solid, it's people that usually suck. I have no issue with anyone offering an opinion, but don't be shocked when I come back with opinions of my own. Perhaps I just enjoy taking the piss out of pretentious, "enlightened" stoners. I'll have forgotten this entire exchange by the time I go to bed. So lighten up broooo
Asking for opinions while simultaneously saying "keep your comments to yourself" as an opening greeting? Not great people-skills, hoss.

We hope your plant makes it despite your immediate spiteful attitude. Good luck with that, and your plant.
Frankly I don't think everyone understands but whatever. I don't think I came in "so confrontational" by merely mentioning arm chair critics and I said please when speaking about the soil comments. My experience in these forums is a bunch of people just criticizing, not constructively criticizing. Pointing out your faults without offering anything constructive whatsoever. This whole post is kinda proof of it. But I'm confrontational. You guys probably thought Will Smith was justified in slapping Chris Rock too.
This is clearly you just not understanding "forum life" in general. Most of us have been doing this for DECADES on various forums and understand how to navigate "forum decorum". You get what you give, and you came in hot, so this site has a penchant for battling fire with fire. You asked for it right outa the gate, doesn't matter if you don't see it that way. You're clearly new here, not to Rollitup per se but to forum discussions in general. If not, then you ain't learned much.

Thanks for attending my Ted Talk.