Is sea level rising?


you know, you're not really a fan unless you have this on your car:wink:

True stories, as best we can tell. Agreed on the fear mongering, people do need to be aware it's actually occurring though. I'm happy that most people have stopped arguing whether climate change is occurring or not.

Is it humanity's fault? probably not in the greater part. Do we have anything to do with it? Most certainly, just the respiration of 7.2+ billion people is bound to have some effects, then add to that, all of the other stuff we add to or remove from the natural system. A system so vast and complicated that we remain very far from being able to understand it well enough to give any definitive answer or affect it intentionally. Well at least and get the intended results.
and now you sir are a "Climate Denier"

your position will be transmuted through the alchemy of fallacious argument into the absurd proposition that human action has zero influence on the climate.

since this strawman is easily refuted, that will be used, through the false dilemma fallacy, to conclude the absurd assumption that the climate became static back in 1970 and thus any "change" is the result of evil humans and their even eviler corporations and "Teh 1%" must be true.

the fact remains MOST scientists agree that human action has had SOME effect on the climate, but the greater portion of the effects we see are the result of natural forces.

over a timeline of ~8000 years, "anthropogenic climate change" becomes vanishingly small, but we have to shit bricks and panic, cuz "the polar bears R going extinct!" (which is entirely false, BTW, there are more of those trash eating snow monsters now than ever before in recorded history)

but but but... teh penguins!!
PROJECTIONS claim that 100 years from now penguins "may be threatend" but only after (according to thoise same projections) the penguin population will grow alarmingly for the next century

this shit makes no goddamned sense.
Not according to the vast majority of climate scientists.

the "consensus" and "vast majority" of those who claim human action is the dominant cause of "climate change":
thats not even a simple majority, yet through the magic of weasel words you transform this into "97%"

even the alarmists who drive the agenda dont believe their own hype.

but they are doing this shit "for our own good" cuz we cant be trusted to make decisions for ourselves, we need a benevolent overseer watching out for our best interests.


i bet you think if you hustle for him real good and get daddy his money, he will promote you to Bottom Bitch

but youre still just a hoe, even if you are charged with keeping the rest of the stable in line.
if it has been proven the polar ice caps are melting..then wouldn't that raise sea level?

That would be a factor. Since the ice caps are melting as a result of heat, it is very probably that the rising heat of the oceans also causes thermal expansion. Both are caused by increasing CO2 in the atmosphere.
and now you sir are a "Climate Denier"

your position will be transmuted through the alchemy of fallacious argument into the absurd proposition that human action has zero influence on the climate.

since this strawman is easily refuted, that will be used, through the false dilemma fallacy, to conclude the absurd assumption that the climate became static back in 1970 and thus any "change" is the result of evil humans and their even eviler corporations and "Teh 1%" must be true.

the fact remains MOST scientists agree that human action has had SOME effect on the climate, but the greater portion of the effects we see are the result of natural forces.

over a timeline of ~8000 years, "anthropogenic climate change" becomes vanishingly small, but we have to shit bricks and panic, cuz "the polar bears R going extinct!" (which is entirely false, BTW, there are more of those trash eating snow monsters now than ever before in recorded history)

but but but... teh penguins!!
PROJECTIONS claim that 100 years from now penguins "may be threatend" but only after (according to thoise same projections) the penguin population will grow alarmingly for the next century

this shit makes no goddamned sense.

not sure if i agree with everything you say..but it sure was funny..i read it outloud as if it were you!!


if it has been proven the polar ice caps are melting..then wouldn't that raise sea level?
it HAS been proved that the northern ice cap is melting, and has been doing so for 12000 years (it used to stretch down past NYC and San Francisco)

and yes, sea levels HAVE been increasing, for (and this is the tricky part...) 12000 years.

nobody is arguing that these facts are untrue, that would be stupid.

the issue is, was it caused by human action, or the Long Term Warming Trend we have been in since the end of the last ice age (which is ongoing)
the fact remains MOST scientists agree that human action has had SOME effect on the climate, but the greater portion of the effects we see are the result of natural forces.
No. Most scientists agree that human activity has a significant effect on the climate and is the prime suspect in the Earths recent (increasing) warming. In other words, the warming is "unequivocally manmade"

"Indeed, strong observational evidence and results from modeling studies indicate that, at least over the last 50 years, human activities are a major contributor to climate change." -American Meteorological Society

"The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify taking steps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere." -U.S. National Academy of Sciences

"Climate change is real. There will always be uncertainty in understanding a system as complex as the world’s climate. However there is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring." -International academies

"Despite increasing consensus on the science underpinning predictions of global climate change, doubts have been expressed recently about the need to mitigate the risks posed by global climate change. We do not consider such doubts justified." -International academies

"Most of the recent warming can be attributed to fossil fuel burning and other human activities that release carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere." -National Research Council of the National Academies
this shit makes no goddamned sense.
Argument from incredulity :clap:
LOL forbes.

They have been accused several times by the climate scientists they were paraphrasing of libel. You could not have posted a more biased denier rag.
lol ad hominem.

every one of the quotes in that forbes article is real, i checked em myself.

you can check em too, but you wont.
No. Most scientists agree that human activity has a significant effect on the climate and is the prime suspect in the Earths recent (increasing) warming. In other words, the warming is "unequivocally manmade"

"Indeed, strong observational evidence and results from modeling studies indicate that, at least over the last 50 years, human activities are a major contributor to climate change." -American Meteorological Society

"The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify taking steps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere." -U.S. National Academy of Sciences

"Climate change is real. There will always be uncertainty in understanding a system as complex as the world’s climate. However there is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring." -International academies

"Despite increasing consensus on the science underpinning predictions of global climate change, doubts have been expressed recently about the need to mitigate the risks posed by global climate change. We do not consider such doubts justified." -International academies

"Most of the recent warming can be attributed to fossil fuel burning and other human activities that release carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere." -National Research Council of the National Academies

Argument from incredulity :clap:

Citations from major scientific academies and peer reviewed research? What the fuck is this shit? Facts?
No. Most scientists agree that human activity has a significant effect on the climate and is the prime suspect in the Earths recent (increasing) warming. In other words, the warming is "unequivocally manmade"

"Indeed, strong observational evidence and results from modeling studies indicate that, at least over the last 50 years, human activities are a major contributor to climate change." -American Meteorological Society

"The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify taking steps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere." -U.S. National Academy of Sciences

"Climate change is real. There will always be uncertainty in understanding a system as complex as the world’s climate. However there is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring." -International academies

"Despite increasing consensus on the science underpinning predictions of global climate change, doubts have been expressed recently about the need to mitigate the risks posed by global climate change. We do not consider such doubts justified." -International academies

"Most of the recent warming can be attributed to fossil fuel burning and other human activities that release carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere." -National Research Council of the National Academies

Argument from incredulity :clap:
and which one of those quotes argues (as you insist) that human activity is the dominat cause of "climate change"?

only the last one, which is directly contradicted by IPCC report 5.

and no, "argument from incredulity" only applies if the fallacy wielder argues "we cant know"
i am arguing that in fact the left has LIED, since their polar bear extinction claim is patently false, and their penguin projections are contradictory and speculative.

you should learn what the fallacy actually is before you try and claim somebody has used it.

sorry Toby, youre still just clownsoes.
No, I discredited your authority with fact. This would hold up in court and is not simply an insult to avoid your argument.
"i insist forbes was wrong on something previously (vague, dubious and even if true, irrelevant) so they are automatically wrong about this shit too, by default"

what kind of courts do they have down there in the banana republics?

forbes is not the "authority", they are QUOTING the "authorities" when the "authorities" say "even if this shit is totally wrong, it advances our leftist/progressive agenda so it's all good"

you provided no fact, just a vague allusion to some OTHER (unnamed) article which you CLAIM was wrong on some detail.
thats not a "fact" thats a claim, one so vague and insubstantial as to be impossible to support or refute.

IF forbes has EVER published ANYTHING incorrect, they are eternally impeached and invalid.
which means you are eternally impeached as well.

also: slaves arent volunteers.
We're talking about climate science kkkynes. Forbes is out, they have published libel against climate scientists. Forbes has absolutely no value to any discussion regarding climate science.

and which one of those quotes argues (as you insist) that human activity is the dominat cause of "climate change"?
All of them. Every leading scientific organization in the world says human activity is the leading factor of the (increased) climate change we're experiencing today
and no, "argument from incredulity" only applies if the fallacy wielder argues "we cant know"
i am arguing that in fact the left has LIED, since their polar bear extinction claim is patently false, and their penguin projections are contradictory and speculative.
You said it doesn't make any sense to you, so it's not surprising an explanation wouldn't suffice.. You don't believe the explanation, so of course you think they lied. The problem is you don't understand how scientific investigation works or realize that your belief isn't required for accurate conclusions based on evidence to be made.

That's why you'll never accept it, regardless of the evidence that is provided

That's also why people like you don't last very long in scientific settings