Is russia bait?


Well-Known Member
Im not saying this is my position, but the question came accross my mind.

What if the trail to Russia truly comes to a legit dead end or finding of nothing truly nefarious, because it was perfectly orchestrated theatre to total discredit any opposition? So that from center on left looks defeated and discredited in what has been their big focus and assumption. Then King Trumps team could claim all the louder to a broader audience that they are the sole source of truth???


Well-Known Member
Im not saying this is my position, but the question came accross my mind.

What if the trail to Russia truly comes to a legit dead end or finding of nothing truly nefarious, because it was perfectly orchestrated theatre to total discredit any opposition? So that from center on left looks defeated and discredited in what has been their big focus and assumption. Then King Trumps team could claim all the louder to a broader audience that they are the sole source of truth???
I can tell you now, a strong core of "Russia Gate" people will hold onto it forever regardless. Most of the independent/moderates will probably forget and lose interest soon.


Well-Known Member
I agree, the scary thought just struck me. Theres part of me convinced he and his minions are fools with terrible beleifs and theres part of me that thinks they could be evil genius' disguising themselves as fools. My second wonder there leads me to have part of me that puts nothing beyond them... That was the basis of my wonder of that, could they be leading us on wild goose chase just to discredit us. I agree the cicumstantial evidence is piling up like snow in Scranton this week...