Is real sour diesel still clone only?


Active Member
I looked around and found it was a clone only strain for a while but those posts were older from 2009 and iv seen seeds clamping to be sour diesel from cal connection and what got me wondering if ther were legit was the genetics said original sour diesel clone X sour og male. I'm not too sure about what real sour d's genetics are but it said also mostly sativa and I know sour diesel is sativa dominant 90%/10% so are these seeds another knock off sour diesel or are they the real deal? Here's a link
That's just what I was told.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be a dick - don't get me wrong.

I currently have Cali Connection Sour Diesel in 8 weeks, smells great, grows tall and looks like Sour Diesel. I'm no expert by any means but I've heard many good reviews on SD from CC. Give it a try.
Sorry, I didn't mean to be a dick - don't get me wrong.

I currently have Cali Connection Sour Diesel in 8 weeks, smells great, grows tall and looks like Sour Diesel. I'm no expert by any means but I've heard many good reviews on SD from CC. Give it a try.
no worries I didn't take it in a dick way lol. I wasn't sure but if I'm wrong then I'm wrong, I wanna give it a try. Let me know in a couple weeks after its harvested and cured how it smokes. Hopefully atleast similar to sour diesel. I'm not too picky and it do t have to be 110% sour d. Just something that smokes like it will make me happy.
There is bio diesel from 303 seeds wich is a cross of bio diesel (sensi star x sour diesel) x high country diesel( original diesel x east coast sour diesel=escd) and diesel fire from cannaventure wich is a fire og bx x east coast sour diesel and then gage green have a version with anastesia(or how you spell it) x east coast sour diesel, the real sour diesel is a clone only and hermie prone so seeds are difficult, connesseur genetics are releasing a ESCD s1 soon!
How can it be a clone only strain....???? :confused:
Lots of popular medical strains are "clone only". By definition, no ceeds are available for "clone only" lines.

In most cases the "clone only" lines represent either rare phenotypes of commercial lines, or specific unique hybrids that (for reasons I won't get into) can't be reproduced.

In practice, what this means is that the only way to get an exact genetic copy is to clone it (take a cutting).

You can't cross a sour diesel with a male one to make ceeds. . .because there is no male and never has been!

Because the plant is a hybrid and not a true-breeding line if you were to force a sour diesel to create male flowers (using chemicals) and then fertilized a female with the pollen, contrary to popular belief, you would NOT end up with a genetic copy of the same plant. Instead, you'd end up with a number of plants with different phenotypes. SOME of these might be similar to the original mother plant, but some would not be. How different the phenos would be depends on how hybridized the clone only parent is.

In practice, what you can do is try a cross like this, or find some individuals that are similar to the original, then cross them to create something similar to the parent. You may do some selection and backcrossing to help stablize the line a bit and limit phenos. What you end up with won't be exactly the same as the original, but it well may be close enough that any difference isn't important, and good enough for anyone interested in the line to have something in ceed form.

The CC sour diesel "ceeds" are supposed to be something like this. Two SD lineage plants were crossed to create something in ceed form that approximates the clone-only sour diesel line.
So there's no real sour diesel s eeds?
The only true sour-diesel ceed was the one the first plant grew from.

Sour diesel is a hybrid plant. It was never stabilized into a line with ceeds that create similar plants, and in fact probably CANNOT be.

So, no, there are no "real" sour diesel ceeds that you can count on to give you a plant exactly like the original clone only line and there probably never will be.

Instead, you have several different sour diesel-like lines that were derived from sour diesel and similar hybridized strains as parents.

If you like, think of it this way. Imagine you have 20 brothers and sisters. Even though all you share the same parents, none of you are exactly the same. No matter how many more children your parents have, they'll never create one exactly the same as you again. But even though none of you are exactly the same, in practice, some of you look similar, pretty clearly sharing lots of the same characteristics.

The commercial sour diesel crosses are probably something like this family. Even though none will be exactly the same as the original, there will probably be some good approximations in there that will be close enough to satisfy anyone except the most diehard purist.
my sour d is the original sour diesel clone. its the clone that has the hit and smells like diesel no sweet n sour with no hit like the ecsd or rez'z version... our is osd X sour og = osd bx1 then we took the bx1 seeds found a killer sour d leaning male and went back to mommy for a second bx.

so our original sour diesel seeds are essentially osd X osd bx1 male= osd bx2

have any of you posting there is no real sour d in seed ever ran all the clones side by side? sour d, ecsd, original sour d, original diesel?

if not then how can you say what your saying? cuz there is def sour d real legit sour d in seed form..

research on what the seeds your getting and where they came from and are made from
I'll go one step further, don't listen to jogro he doesn't know what he is talking about. That whole rant was bits and pieces of BAD INFORMATION. I suggest you read Robert Clark's book about marijuana botany and breeding. What he is ranting about has to do with individual traits. The idea/term of a strain comes from selective pressure, like putting the genetics in a sieve and locating what you want then selecting parentage that represents those traits. It takes a talent for selection and understanding.

A clone is an individual, may not even be from a "strain" because that implies inbreeding.

how can you say what your saying?
So many people read these forums like it's perfect information with out other research or reading then go ahead developing and sharing these opinions with no qualification. Next thing you know these cats will mount a verbal attack to defend their bad information because they have a false persona where people believe them and they loath to loose the shred of false credibility they have in their lives.
Mine was great, the only nanners it threw was when it went to reveg. That is stress related though, none in regular flower cycle.
who did you get this cut from?

My Clone came directly from Chemdog and Orgoliolidiprovi 2 friends of mine..

when chemdog first came to my house and i gave home our pre98 bubba and sfv to smoke on he gave me chem d the 91 and the sour d.. his sour d was unlike any sour i had ever seen but was straight fn sour i was like yo what the hell. he said thats the original sour diesel clone not the one that is out . i then pulled out nugs of the bomb sour we had and yup totally different in shape look smell and all.. i was like summma bitch i need that original.. ive had it ever since they sent it to me..she will never leave the dry sift is unreal the wax is incredible it hits like a kerosine tanker truck plowing into you at 90...BAM<
Like most of his unstable genetics and poorly bred seeds Swerves sour is good for hermies also.

you know what's "notcoolman"? not knowing what the fuc you are doing and blaming it on the seeds. i've got to laugh because my absolute best grows have come from caliconnection seeds. chopping my larrys as we speak and they are simply AMAZING, thanks swerve.