Is preflower part of flowering

chronic Joe

just wondering if preflower weeks are part of the flowering weeks? my plants have shown significant hairs and calyx's for almost two week's give or take a couple days, it seems like its getting tight on the tips of the main branches is this a sign of flowering or just another sign of preflower? P.S they're outdoor plants all female also, bought feminized seeds.:wall:


Active Member
I'm sure it's in the flowering cycle (especially being outdoor). If you have multiple visible pistils, then it's flowering. Make sure you give it some flowering nutes, I personally used a 10-30-20. Good Luck!

chronic Joe

i just gave it bloom A&B the other day (nutri plus ) by flora. So what is a good sign of flowering rather then preflowering for future references. thank you for your response also. Oh one more ? i have one plant( my tallest and nicest looking) that started assymetrical branching on lower branches but no signs on the top yet. the whole plant has had pistils for awhile.


New Member
pre flowering leads onto flowers/flowering depending on photoperiod.
whats the photoperiod you have going.

chronic Joe

there outdoor and its been below 14 hours since the middle of august roughly, right now its under 13.5 hours for sure, i have lots of pistils which tells me its flowering now just wondering how long after the pistils appear do buds start to form, cause the tops are getting hard to the touch almost like a ball feel, is this the start of budding


Active Member
i just gave it bloom A&B the other day (nutri plus ) by flora. So what is a good sign of flowering rather then preflowering for future references. thank you for your response also. Oh one more ? i have one plant( my tallest and nicest looking) that started assymetrical branching on lower branches but no signs on the top yet. the whole plant has had pistils for awhile.

Well the actual 'preflower' stage is pretty short in my opinion. It's basically the small time-frame between the veg. and flowering cycle. Once you can blatantly tell the sex of plant, it's in the flowering cycle. Pre-flowers appear in response to long nights (12-hours). They can also form during shorter nights in older plants.

I just did a little reading about outdoor growing, and it says that locations far north from the equator tend to not get 12-hour nights until late in the season. It also says that some places don't even get long enough nights to have a harvest before the winter frost kills the crop.

Not sure where you are in Canada. Well, I really don't know what the nights are like up there right now. You may want to make sure that that the night is long enough, if not, that could be the reason for your delayed budding. If your nights are not 12-hours, then I'm sure there is some kind of technique you could do in order to give the plants a few more hours of darkness. However, you really need to figure it out asap to insure you still get your crop.

Sooooo blaze after dinner, and then head-out to your plants. Take note of the time of dark-fall. Bite the bullet the next day, and be up by 4-4:30am (or at least before sun-up) WAKE N' BAAAAKE then head out to the plants, and take note of the sunrise. If you do have 12-hour nights then I'm assuming it's just taking a lot longer than expected to bud. If you do not have 12-hour nights, check-out the 'Growing Outdoor' forum and see what some of those guys do in the same situation. Good Luck! hope this helps

chronic Joe

thank you for your quick response, ive read on quite a few sites that a plant can flower under 14 hours of light, depending on the strain any thoughts on this, also my strains are supposed to finish, well one is now which aint gonna happen and the other is the first of october. strains are big bang a medicinal strain and the other is papaya.

chronic Joe

also if i have a fair amount of pistils all over the plant does this mean its for sure flowering or is this a possiblity of preflower also


Active Member
also if i have a fair amount of pistils all over the plant does this mean its for sure flowering or is this a possiblity of preflower also
From the sounds of it, you are definitely in the flowering stage. How old is the plant and how long has it been since the pistils first appeared?

chronic Joe

i put them outside on july 7th and its been close to two weeks if not a few days longer, would the tight ball like formation in the top be bud or just really close leaves cause a few have it, it feels like a really small bud, very tight.


Well-Known Member
ya were your at(i am right around were you are) there starting to bud!! picking time is end of oct. last year i pulled one on nov 21. yes it went through a couple of frost but was fine!! and if you get a cold shot coming before there done just cover them at night and put a water hose under your plant and let the water trickel on the roots over night so the ground dont freezz. i do it every year bro works great!!!

chronic Joe

thanx great advice be sure to remember that, nov 21st wow amazing. I also read it depends on your strain for frost-prevention of killing


Active Member
Yea those are gonna be the head buds. Right now they're mostly just dense foliage, but they will definitely become buds. Your plant is pretty young, so that explains the delay in budding. The older the plant, the easier (and faster) it responds to the dark nights. You are definitely wanna let your crop go through september. Waiting is such a b*tch, but the flowering cycle alone takes 8-11 weeks


Well-Known Member
i grow what ever and done it to all my plants!! hard to kill a pot plant bro grounds got to freeze to kill the roots. best time to go pot hunting is right after the first frost every thing dies off but the wild weed. sticks out like a sore dick!!

chronic Joe

i understand that, I was late ordering my seeds and started them in mid to late june. the tallest is 3.5 feet tall and the others are about 2 feet tall(they are short and bushy) must be the phenotype. sweet so you would say its in flowering and that the bud like hardness is going to be bud, or better yet it is bud forming. thank you all for replying and the help you've given me.