Is Organized Religion On The Rise Or Fall?


Well-Known Member
What do you think? I'd like to hear opinions and scientific studies if you've got em, poll numbers, data sets... anything.

What do you think?

IMO, it's definitely on the fall. With the surge in atheism and disbelief in the United States over the past 15-20 years, we've reached 14% of the population last time I checked. This has led to PANIC in religious circles! They don't know what the hell to do! Like I've said before, back in the day they could just kill you and that would be that, but now with western societies laws they have to sit there and take all the scientific bitch slaps! When they stand up and oppose it now, they have to come with more than just death threats, and the more they oppose it, the dumber they look! Case in point;



Active Member
According to, a website I truly admire, organized religion in the US will die around the 2250, that's about one century later than the same thing happening in Europe. I adher to that opinion.


Well-Known Member
WOW! You think it'll take that long? What do the people at base that on?

My guess would be it'll die out by 2100, 90 years from today, and you'll see little pockets of believers here and there, but nothing on scale with today. I'd hate to wait another 250 years!


Well-Known Member
It's definitely falling. Young people aren't believing just because their parents did anymore. We're starting to wake up and take the blindfold off of our eyes.


I can't say for the rest of the world, but America I'd think about 5-4 generations could be near the end of it, besides the few pockets like you said, unless there is another great awakening, Maybe not end but there will be an overwhelming percent that does not practice or attend religious worship.


Well-Known Member
actually da only religion that is blooming at a phenominal rate is Islam. especially in western countries and there is nothing from science that has contradicted it {so far}, on the contrary, actually its side by side with modern science. and because its on the rise in that manner it means its a threat to alot of governments etc... which is why we have the war on terror{or more accurately The War on Islam}.
and funny enough 60-70% of converts to Islam from western countries are women. {so much for the fairy tale of Islam mistreating women}.


Well-Known Member
actually da only religion that is blooming at a phenominal rate is Islam. especially in western countries and there is nothing from science that has contradicted it {so far}, on the contrary, actually its side by side with modern science. and because its on the rise in that manner it means its a threat to alot of governments etc... which is why we have the war on terror{or more accurately The War on Islam}.
and funny enough 60-70% of converts to Islam from western countries are women. {so much for the fairy tale of Islam mistreating women}.
I appreciate your opinion, but I think you're mistaken about a few things.

Nothing from modern science that contradicts Islam?

I've never read the Quran before but that can't be a true statement. Why isn't the whole world Muslim if that's the case?

You're saying everything inside the Quran and Islam is scientifically accurate?

The "War on Terror" is all about $$$, fueled by animosity both organized religions provide, Christianity and Islam.

I'd like a source for your 60%-70% statistic about converts to Islam. That honestly doesn't sound accurate at all.

Doesn't "Islam" mean "submit"?

Have you ever heard of Theo van Gogh?


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your opinion, but I think you're mistaken about a few things.

Nothing from modern science that contradicts Islam? nop - nothing

I've never read the Quran before but that can't be a true statement. Why isn't the whole world Muslim if that's the case?
why cant it be? Muslims "claim" that the Holy Quran is a perfect book from "God", and further more The Quran goes furthur on with a challenge to mankind.
and i would love to explain to you why the whole world isnt Muslim but i think its self explanatory if u just give it a lil push n try n figure it out. :P

You're saying everything inside the Quran and Islam is scientifically accurate? Yup and even more so than accurate. {pretty bold statement i know}

The "War on Terror" is all about $$$, fueled by animosity both organized religions provide, Christianity and Islam.
Its way deeper than what you think you see, its never face value.

I'd like a source for your 60%-70% statistic about converts to Islam. That honestly doesn't sound accurate at all.
lol i dnt need to provide u with Islamic sources as they "obviouslly FAKE", so just watch some CNN, MBC, etc... its all on there.
and im not sure where u live, but were i am you don't need a report to see the spread, Churches are closing down and Mosques are being built, and on Fridays you cant even cross the streets and most of the faces are White's, African's, Asians etc... u don't even see the Pakistanis or Arabs anymore its all foreign converts.

Doesn't "Islam" mean "submit"?
Islam is "the one who submits to Gods/will"

Have you ever heard of Theo van Gogh?

Yes and really i have no reply, im not sure why it was presented anyway.
i would love to go deeper on the subject but i dont think it has a place here.


Well-Known Member
here ill help you out.


CNN TV Report.


either people are crazy, or others arnt reading between the lines.
either way everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. that was just my opinion on the topic thats all, not trying to stir anything up.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert on Islam myself but I spent some time in the middle east and picked up an English translation of the Quran. From the bits and pieces I have read and the limited communication barrier of talking to the locals, basically take the bad guys from the bible and they are portrayed as good and vice versa. Sorry I can't give more insight than this but I have a hard time reading the non sense of the Bible or Quran but for the most part from what I have read it's basically the same idea.

I have no idea what dickdasterdly is talking about with the science thing, he probably saw it on CNN and used that as the basis of his opinion.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert on Islam myself but I spent some time in the middle east and picked up an English translation of the Quran. From the bits and pieces I have read and the limited communication barrier of talking to the locals, basically take the bad guys from the bible and they are portrayed as good and vice versa. Sorry I can't give more insight than this but I have a hard time reading the non sense of the Bible or Quran but for the most part from what I have read it's basically the same idea.

I have no idea what dickdasterdly is talking about with the science thing, he probably saw it on CNN and used that as the basis of his opinion.
Lol or maybe he didnt.

Maybe you have no clue wt ur talkin about, what ever slight "insight" u gave is the insight of ur "Complete Ignorance" on the subject and nothing more, and now dont go and watch a few youtube videos and come back trying to be smart.
i wont go further as i was following the topic and not trying to get into a completely different debate and hijack the thread.

"I'm no expert
on Islam myself"
"I have no idea what dickdasterdly is talking about with the science thing",
i mean really, do i have to explain to you what your saying???

"basically take the bad guys from the bible and they are portrayed as good and vice versa
"for the most part from what I have read it's basically the same idea."
No1 leaves a religion to another religion if it was "BASICALLY THE SAME" u fool.
What most part? i doubt uv read the most part of ur 9th grade exam let alone the "most part" of the Bible or Quran for that matter.
You must be one of those geniuses to have figured those 2 out.

P.s. re-read your post and try and spot the major contradiction inside it.



Well-Known Member
Lol or maybe he didnt.

Maybe you have no clue wt ur talkin about, what ever slight "insight" u gave is the insight of ur "Complete Ignorance" on the subject and nothing more, and now dont go and watch a few youtube videos and come back trying to be smart.
i wont go further as i was following the topic and not trying to get into a completely different debate and hijack the thread.

"I'm no expert
on Islam myself"
"I have no idea what dickdasterdly is talking about with the science thing",
i mean really, do i have to explain to you what your saying???

"basically take the bad guys from the bible and they are portrayed as good and vice versa
"for the most part from what I have read it's basically the same idea."
No1 leaves a religion to another religion if it was "BASICALLY THE SAME" u fool.
What most part? i doubt uv read the most part of ur 9th grade exam let alone the "most part" of the Bible or Quran for that matter.
You must be one of those geniuses to have figured those 2 out.

P.s. re-read your post and try and spot the major contradiction inside it.

Seriously man, you are kidding me right? Obviously you can't comprehend a simple paragraph and need to go look up the word 'hypocrite' in the dictionary. Why do you troglodytes come out of the wood work when I post something?

To answer your well thought out and informative post, the only thing in the Quran of science nature I have ever came across was the "big bang." But it's just referred to as such, not a descriptive theory.

For your second bold formatted question you need to learn how to read and comprehend. Grammar is apparently not your forte. Now, I'm going to go watch some youtube videos to advance my knowledge on religion provided by the links you supplied earlier. Thanks!


New Member
Lol or maybe he didnt.

Maybe you have no clue wt ur talkin about, what ever slight "insight" u gave is the insight of ur "Complete Ignorance" on the subject and nothing more, and now dont go and watch a few youtube videos and come back trying to be smart.
i wont go further as i was following the topic and not trying to get into a completely different debate and hijack the thread.

"I'm no expert
on Islam myself"
"I have no idea what dickdasterdly is talking about with the science thing",
i mean really, do i have to explain to you what your saying???

"basically take the bad guys from the bible and they are portrayed as good and vice versa
"for the most part from what I have read it's basically the same idea."
No1 leaves a religion to another religion if it was "BASICALLY THE SAME" u fool.
What most part? i doubt uv read the most part of ur 9th grade exam let alone the "most part" of the Bible or Quran for that matter.
You must be one of those geniuses to have figured those 2 out.

P.s. re-read your post and try and spot the major contradiction inside it.

there is no need to fight for such a minute reason. but by all means "hijack" this thread if it involves informing us on the muslim religion, this is just another religion fueled debate thread anyway =p


Well-Known Member
there is no need to fight for such a minute reason. but by all means "hijack" this thread if it involves informing us on the muslim religion, this is just another religion fueled debate thread anyway =p
not fighting just putting the facts forward.
Really i would love to, but ill opt out on this, it will take loads out of my time to explain. iv already done that in Attention Atheist thread so im not looking do that again.

They say : you can take a horse to water but you cant force him to drink.
I Say: you shouldn't need to take a horse to water in the first place, if he's thirsty then even if you throw him in a desert he will use his "Instincts" to find it, and even if he doesn't he will die trying.

I hope that makes sense to you, im trying to be clear.


Well-Known Member
Seriously man, you are kidding me right? Obviously you can't comprehend a simple paragraph and need to go look up the word 'hypocrite' in the dictionary. Why do you troglodytes come out of the wood work when I post something?

To answer your well thought out and informative post, the only thing in the Quran of science nature I have ever came across was the "big bang." But it's just referred to as such, not a descriptive theory.

For your second bold formatted question you need to learn how to read and comprehend. Grammar is apparently not your forte. Now, I'm going to go watch some youtube videos to advance my knowledge on religion provided by the links you supplied earlier. Thanks!
lol the only thing u had to comment on was my grammar?

and i came out at you because you first said that you havent got much knowledge about the subject and then you summed it all up in a very wrong manner, not to mention you presented wrong information thats why i corrected you.u would only understand where im
coming from if u were more open to the subject and realised the utter rubbish that you implied.

"he probably saw it on CNN and used that as the basis of his opinion."

you concluded that i am completely ignorant on the sub. by saying the above.

Would it not be a little more constructive and courteous of u to actually ASK ME on what im
basing my opinion rather than making false assumptions?

i mean its only fair, as i replied to you on what you said not what i think you said or what i suppose you know or dont

you then claim its nonsense {tho im not sure what ur basing your judgment on since you havent
really read it or even understood what its about for that matter.}

"take the bad guys from the bible and they are portrayed as good and vice versa

and that is complete rubbish, nothing personal towards you but u have no clue about what your talking about, u know what i would love for you to post what ur talking about and how you came to that conclusion? i really want to see what pages/verses/paragraphs you read that portrayed that image since uv
only read so little then it should be easy for u to bring those few verses.

worry ill wait.

here is a link to an online quran. you have the arabic text and you have the english translation and if ur lazy you can just play the quran and it will read it in english so u dont even have to use ur eyes. and even furthermore if u dont understand a certain verse you can ask me and ill give u a more detailed and exact translation of arabic
as i speak it fluently now.

and i know that u dont know anything about the subject because its not as simple as read a few pages and there u go. its way more complicated and a hell of alot deeper than face value. and its not something u can judge in a few days research.

and just because the only thing you have read is a glimpse of the big bang theory doesnt mean thats the only thing, actually far from it.

if you did take a minute of ur time to look up and understand the "nonsense" it might just make sense.
