Is Obama and the Senate Holding America Hostage?

There is a freedom of the mind that is found in prison but that is not what we are talking about now. We are talking about physical freedom. The freedom to come and go as you please. The freedom to keep your personal and private property. The freedom to be left alone. I know that I am not free and it pisses me off when some of my own countrymen want to enslave me even further.

Perception and reality are 2 very different things for many these days.
They need to sign the fucking tax break!! Nice trap by the democratic puppets to make the republican pupptets look bad. If for one know that both parties are self interested liars and dont work for the people but for giant corporations and banks who finance their campaigns and give out lucarative speaking engagements and jobs in order to sway their votes.
They need to sign the fucking tax break!! Nice trap by the democratic puppets to make the republican pupptets look bad. If for one know that both parties are self interested liars and dont work for the people but for giant corporations and banks who finance their campaigns and give out lucarative speaking engagements and jobs in order to sway their votes.

They are going to let all the Bush tax cuts expire
Then next year the Democrats will propose a tax cut for the middle class

Fuck the Rethuglicans and Grovel Norpiss
Next week the House will propose a bill to extend the existing tax cuts to all tax payers, if the Senate votes it down, that means they'll be screwing the rest of us to gain political points with their base.
Next week the House will propose a bill to extend the existing tax cuts to all tax payers, if the Senate votes it down, that means they'll be screwing the rest of us to gain political points with their base.

That will for sure decrease the deficit
anything after 250,000 can be tax at a 4.6 increase rate, I have no problem with that. Most people who bitch don't even make 250,000 profit .If you did don't think you would be bitchin that much. Kinda like joe the plumber with no plumbing jobs.

Dude, its the people who make 250,000 + that bitch the most and have the most political influence.

Democrats are leading the illusion that they want a tax rate that is proportional to income ( higher income, higher % of tax paid )

while repubs lead the illusion that they want a flat tax ( all citizens taxed same regardless of income )

thats basically their main "ideals" but its all bs anyway and it will forever be a fuckall mix of policy and useless debate, in the end all geared on how to make things happen along a timeline that makes the president look good for reelection or bad ( depending on if hes liked and the new puppet is preferred )
There is a big difference in leading from the center and leading from the far left or right.
Remember that folks.

Obama was never going to work from the center. The Socialist agenda is always far left,

Let's tax the shit out of everyone...Yep, that means the poor too....let's really be fair.
There is a big difference in leading from the center and leading from the far left or right.
Remember that folks.

Obama was never going to work from the center. The Socialist agenda is always far left,

Let's tax the shit out of everyone...Yep, that means the poor too....let's really be fair.

obama governs to the right of nixon.
Dude, its the people who make 250,000 + that bitch the most and have the most political influence.

Democrats are leading the illusion that they want a tax rate that is proportional to income ( higher income, higher % of tax paid )

while repubs lead the illusion that they want a flat tax ( all citizens taxed same regardless of income )

thats basically their main "ideals" but its all bs anyway and it will forever be a fuckall mix of policy and useless debate, in the end all geared on how to make things happen along a timeline that makes the president look good for reelection or bad ( depending on if hes liked and the new puppet is preferred )

A flat tax is one that is proportional to income. The percentage is flat, not the amount. cn
I said tax rate.

Tiered tax is a bracket based proportional system.

Basically the ploy is that dems wants the proportional ( in its current formation, bracket/tiered) tax rate, repubs want the flat tax, which is by nature an inversely proportional tax rate.

sorry canna, u got me pissed lol its a free forum.

A flat tax rate, would tax all people %xxx of their income, regardless of income level. The dollar amount they pay is proportional to their income level.

A flat tax would tax everyone $xxx dollars, regardless of income level. The dollar amount they pay is inversely proportional to their income level.

A proportional tax rate taxes people %xxx, based on their income level. The dollar amount they pay, I forget the multiplication relationship term, is also proportional.

A tiered tax rate taxes peoples income in different amounts, it lumps the income into separately taxable brackets. The dollar amount they pay is proportional to their income. The effective tax rate they pay is proportional or inversely proportional to their income, depending on current fiscal policy.
A tax rate that is proportional to income is flat. A progressive tax, which you presumably wanted to describe but didn't, is a different thing. Correct/meaningful use of language has built-in value imo. The "flat tax" is a rate ... the flat-taxers are not suggesting everyone pay the same amount! cn
he didnt just load it, but blew it all over [your] face

I do not understand your hostility, dtp. You stated something incorrect here. As for your mention of SS&P threads, I suggest you air any grievance you have in the proper place(s). I do not usually exchange posts with you. For some reason they came to my attention today, because imo you are claiming things that have more snap than substance, and do not stand up well to scrutiny.
Your saying that you do not have the time to tutor me is hostile and a misrepresentation. I do not seek tutoring, but am expressing my privilege to point out vagueness andor inaccuracy in your posts. If your answer is limited to a sexual slur upon my persona, I have little confidence that you will defend your posts in an adult manner. Pity. cn