Is Nirvana a Reliable site to buy seeds off of?


Well-Known Member
yes they do

look, anyone on here that thinks ak 48 is as good or better than ak47 just doesnt know very much about pot or hasnt smoked ak47. They arent even the same genetics, nirvana ripped off the good name of the 47 to try and pass it off as an improvement of some kind. Im not saying 48 isnt good because its good but its not great which the 47 is.


Well-Known Member
yes they do

look, anyone on here that thinks ak 48 is as good or better than ak47 just doesnt know very much about pot or hasnt smoked ak47. They arent even the same genetics, nirvana ripped off the good name of the 47 to try and pass it off as an improvement of some kind. Im not saying 48 isnt good because its good but its not great which the 47 is.

Yes but most people really don't understand that.

Maybe if Serious Seeds who created AK47 made AK48 to then it might have been better.


Well-Known Member
serious wouldnt make an ak48 because they arent out to have a big selection, they are only trying to give qualitly genes to us that are stable and top of the line. Theres no reason to try and make ak47 because its already amazing.


Well-Known Member


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