Is my soil super enough?

This my first time trying to mix up a organic 'super soil'
My aim is to get my girls onto flower with just water and teas before a topdress of some sort (guano)
Just wondering what you guys think as its my first go at it.
Uk ingredients ive included some pics any advice/criticism welcome.
Any uk growers have anything they suggest.

Base mix:

30%coco coir


20%organic vegetable compost (rich in organic matter)

15%worm castings and 5% clay pebbles.

Ive sown the seeds into this..Then i added to rest of the batch:

Handfull of volcanic rock dust

Microrize fungi granules

50g of T5 beneficial soil microbes(inoculant)

100g of fish,blood and bone meal

60g of clacified seaweed for cal mag/ph buffer. (These are the correct amounts according to the packs)

Ive wet it down and going to let cook untill my new sprouts have filled their pots, so about 4-6 weeks. Hopefully I'm on the right track to dankness. Peace out homies! IMG_1627.JPGIMG_1630.JPG

