is my setup ok?

Hi, im a noobie grower and i want to start, hopefully, a decent grow journal with ok results. I have...

a 2' x 2.5' x 3' tall box
6 23w cfl blue spectrum bulbs
6 42w cfl red spectrum bulbs
2 80mm cpu fans (1 intake 1 exhaust)
miracle grow moisture control medium

pretty much i just wanna know if

1. which and how many of those bulbs should i use for veg and which for flower

2. are the fans enough for seedling to harvest.

3. I have 2 female seeds (white widow and midnight kush) with this setup can i grow them to be at least decent with an ok harvest.

4. all in general if you have any tips or advice, or see anything above i need to change takeout or replace please feel free to post looking for all the help i can get. Thanks!


Active Member
sounds alright. i would get rid of the miracle grow and just mix your own soil its easier to get exactly what you want. theres tons of soil recipes all over the internet. although if you absolutely must, it will prolly be alright.

use the blue spectrum bulbs for veg growth and the red for flowering. if those 6 red spectrum bulbs are really 42w and not equivalents then thats actually a pretty decent amount of light for flowering those 2 plants in a small area.

you might have to LST your plants to have good control of your space. it really depends how much of the box you have purely for your plants (after lights, cables, fans, etc.). 3 feet is not too much space when you subtract the space you'll need for your lights. and make sure you don't leave your plants in vegetative growth for too long, on average i believe a plant triples in size going through flowering, so you could very easily run out of space.

lastly i would say get more than 2 computer fans. its good that you have an intake and an exhaust but you should probably have at least 2 of each as well as some sort of small oscillating fan to keep air circulating inside the case. this is important.

good luck my friend


Well-Known Member
use as many lights as you can w/o going over 85f temp wise, the fans might be enough. as long as the temps stay under 85f or so their fine. i recommend a fan blowing on the plat itself to strengthen the stems. 6500k is more blue light and is mostly used for veg, 2700k is more red light and is mostly used for flower. some say that since in nature the sun puts out both all the time just more blue than red in spring and more red than blue during fall and that therefore a mixed spectrum is best.the miracle grow can be used but ya gotta be very careful with it or it will burn the plants, if u really do decide on using it(which i suggest you dont)make sure you mix it with perlite and some kind of not prenuted soil(or organic would work too). the nutes it comes with are too strong and too long lasting, it says its got enough fert for 3 months right? thats too long imo, after 1 month veg and then 2 weeks 12/12 i like to start bloom nutes and mollases, with the miracle gro it would most likely burn your plants if u fed at all that early. what nutes are u planning on using? (sorry if u already said it)
thanks for the info im gonna get a few more fans and some custom made medium that is dank and fertile soon ill post pics of the setup before i start planting and hopefully still get good advice!