Is my plant vegging normal?


New Member
Hey guys i got a question ,i am growing chemdog from greenhouse,which is o.g kush x sour diesel and acid from paradise seeds,which is their version of sour deisel.Interestingly they look very similar at this stage so they must legitamatly have sour diesel genetics.

Any way my problem (maybe not a problem) is that they are not gaining height very well.It's 3 weeks from seed and they are 3 inches tall...but are on they're 3 rd proper leaf set.I'ts like they are growing as bushes! the internodes are soo close together.

Sorry no pics,but they are a healthy dark green colour so i think they are ok ,just going to take forever to veg?

The set-up is as follows

Growing medium - potting compost ,perlite and lime.Ph run off 6.5

watering every 3-4 days with tap water ,ph of 7.1

light - 15 inches underneath a 250 hps with duel spectrum bulb.

feeding - tap water e.c of 0.38 ,adding high nitrogen nutes to an e.c of 0.70,no sign of burning at all...feeding every other watering.

Ventilation - none as such ,they are in a closet which is getting opened several times a day,and there is a fan mounted on the wall,timed for coming on for 15 mins going off for 15 mins all day.

Heat - no exact reading but it couldn't be any hotter than 27c

so from my reading on the subject i think this is almost an ideal set up ,maybe except for better extraction.

Is my plant growing slow though? I am a bit concerened because my first grow recently was a bag seed which turned out to be a haze of some sort ,which grew like wildfire and more than quadroupled in size during the stretch.These plants are growing like snails in comparison..but myabe it's ok ,i dunno,thats why i'm asking i guess!

cheers for reading .


Well-Known Member
No problem dude, I have a 30 day kush that's only 4 inches.
Apparently size does not matter!? ;-)


Well-Known Member
and to OP, get some pics posted when possible... MJ plants can grow up to 4 inches per day, so there is a possibility that there is a problem..
I'm in lnterested in how this works out as my 6 are little shorties at about 5 inches at 3 weeks but I had figured it was normal and not to stress but maybe I was wrong ...

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Don't stress!!! Sounds like you DO have a set up very close to ideal. They're gonna grow at their own rate. As long as they're not burning or browning, you're golden.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
All newbies freak at the slightest thing that is perceived to be "wrong", and I was as bad about it as anybody. Relax and enjoy the cruise!!!


Well-Known Member
Keep learning kid and if ya wouldnt have came to my thread talking shit like you even know what your talking about but i find all you "help me how do i plant a seed you dont even know if your damn plant is vegging right hahahahha