Is my plant looking healthier? Any suggestions..


New Member
143.jpg050.jpgHi, The picture on the left is my plant on 5/19 and the picture on the right is from a day or two ago. To me it looks a lot better than it did when I first transplanted it from inside to outside. I stuck it in a barrel with a few different types of soil that we're probably a little on the hot side. I never did a PH test and probably won't because it looks like it's coming around. Initially I think the plant was just shocked coming outside into the bright sun and some bleaching was happening but I'm seeing less of that except on a few of the lower leaves where the bleaching occurred weeks ago. All new growth is bright green & healthy and I can see it's growing practically daily. About two weeks ago I started feeding it Pure Blend Pro Grow 3-2-4. About 1 teaspoon to a 1/2 gallon water. Just always keeping it moist but not drenching it. I stated in earlier posts I'm not a huge smoker but will definitely try some of the finished product. I'm really a gardening enthusiast and have always been mesmerized by the beauty of the marijuana plant. So I still want to grow the biggest and most beautiful plant I can. Does my plant look like it's doing well and can anyone suggest anything I can do to make it even bigger & healthier. I was told to keep feeding with the 3-2-4 nutes until flowering and then switching to another type of nute during flowering. Any suggestions. Thanks.
They are looking healthier but you should be feeding more N than P and K at this point. Something along the lines of 3-2-2 or 2-1-1 or whatever, as long as there is more N than everything else.


New Member
Thanks for the advice. Very curious as to why someone at the hydroponics store would recommend something that doesn't seem right for the plant. He made it sound like I could use this up until the flowering point and then switch to something that works really well during the flowering process. Are you saying I shouldn't use this at all and go purchase one of the ones you recommended with higher Nitrogen? And what exactly is the benefit of that? Just curious as to how that will help the plant. The one thing I have noticed on this site is everyone has a different opinion on exactly how you should do things? My plant seems to be doing really well and has adjusted nicely to the outdoors. I'll listen to any suggestions you have. Thanks.
Well, honestly, I'm not too sure about the science behind it.

In vegetative growth, the plant will use more N than P and K. As a rule of thumb I've always been told to go with a ratio of 2:1:1. I'm guessing the reasoning behind this is that since the plant uses much more nitrogen, there may end up being a build up of P and K over time which may create a nutrient lockout.

If this is all you have for now, just keep giving it to her and find out yourself if it's good or not. You will most likely be fine feeding her this mix, but someday, if you decide to grow another plant, you may end up finding out that certain strains do not like the extra K at all.

The thing with growing Cannabis is that a lot of information out there is just plain wrong. The best way of going at it is to just do it and learn from past mistakes and successes.

I would say, just keep giving her what you've got, unless you have money to burn. If you want, you can PM me with updates on your plant whenever you feel something may be wrong. You can also just start a grow journal and we can help you diagnose your plants if problems arise. Don't worry about it, these plants can massive amounts of abuse if you have at least a little bit of knowledge by your side.

Again, if something looks off, post some pictures. If no one answers in a timely fashion, just PM me and I'll try to help ASAP.


I've just noticed that your leaves are all 3-bladed. Has it gone into flowering and reverted back to veg?


New Member
Thanks for your reply and I appreciate you letting me hit you up when I have some questions. I'll check in with my guy at the hydro store and mention to him what you had said about the plant needing more N than P & K. I'll see what his thoughts are on this and he thinks I should switch it up I will, if not I'll just keep feeding it what I am. Since I'm a totally newbie and have only grown once indoors about 20 yrs ago I'm not sure what I'm looking for. I know it's growing quickly and looks a lot healthier than it did three weeks ago. Funny you mention the flowering because I don't really understand if the plant is where it should be at this current growth stage. I thought it was just suppose to continue to grow for months before flowering. Not sure what stage that is called. Obviously when it starts to flower it's in the flowering stage. I can grasp that much. But I don't know the difference between how many leaves it's suppose to have and when. I looked down really close the other day close to the little shoots coming out and was almost positive I saw little white hairs which made me think it was the beginning of a bud or flower. No idea if that's correct. I know I could take a closer look with my glasses on to confirm for you. And if it is starting to flower is that a bad thing and how do you correct it? Seems like such a small plant to start flowering. Let me know if you need any more info from me to do a better diagnosis. I don't know why it would flower already but it could be. It's only been outside a little under a month and it was started inside. Thanks. Edit.. So I just went out and took a really close look. You are correct in that every leave on the plant is three leaves, even the lower leaves. And in the little crotches where the shoots grow out I see tiny little hairs on a bunch of there shoots. Maybe you can tell me if this is what it should be doing or if something weird is happening. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
looking to your plants i think you need
1- take away all the soccer leafs
2- both need topping