Is my plant healthy?


Well-Known Member
Looks terrible. Destroy the plants, all your equipment and pour the fertilizers down the sink. Ring your mother and tell her you're a failure then slit your wrists. As you're bleeding out, rock yourself to an eternal sleep.


They look healthy.


Looks terrible. Destroy the plants, all your equipment and pour the fertilizers down the sink. Ring your mother and tell her you're a failure then slit your wrists. As you're bleeding out, rock yourself to an eternal sleep.


They look healthy.
Lol, that almost got me.


Well-Known Member
Look good to me as well. You say your new, so my advice is don't over fertilize. Seems like new growers screw up by fertilizing to early.


Well-Known Member
Re-pot her into bigger pots before she gets root bound and you will be good to go.... Looking good ;-)

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
I'd say repotted and the soil on floor to be cleaned mate, or bugs will love to come up there.

Make it clean, shit for bugs healthy for plants and good habit to have :weed:.

Well done so far tho buddy :clap:


Well-Known Member
I had a slow grower. At three weeks it looked like that. Then it took off thank god.
Years ago my daughter's ferrets attacked my plants. Had 4 going early and they killed 2 of them. Replanted. They got to them again. This time only 1 survived and it looked like hell after being mauled twice.It laid there limp but green. 2 weeks later my daughter told me mercy killing was fine for plants. It started to perk up a bit but really lagged and blah. And then it took off. It doglegged the whole way up.No opposing branching.Like a clone at first but it did it all the way up. Killer bud too and a lot of it considering.