Is my plant healthy?


Ok this is my first grow. This is eiether bagseed "dro" or "reggie". I planted It in the beginning of march and it seems like its growing really slow... How does it look?

Thanks for any help.



Active Member
Do you want honesty? It is very small. It's still pretty early to grow weed so i'm guessing you stunted its growth with messed up temperature and humidity.


Well-Known Member
soil looks are you watering? drain holes in bottom of pot?
what are night time temps like?
how many hours of sunlight you getting a day?


soil looks are you watering? drain holes in bottom of pot?
what are night time temps like?
how many hours of sunlight you getting a day?
i switched the plant into That pot yesterday and watered it. I watered it this morning also. It doesent get that cold at night but its always hot where I live. And yes drain holes on the bottom. I think I'm over watering.


New Member
hey man im new here, i think our plants our about the same age bro, you should check my posts, maybe we have some similarities when did you plant yours in the soil? Im on day 11 right now i will post up a pic now View attachment 2592473 this is what it looks like as of 1:54pm 3/29/2013 i got three sprouts


I wouldn't wait any longer honestly, it can't hermie, it's to young you don't want the roots to get tangled and fuck everything up.


Well-Known Member
I have seen ppls (personally) put more then one plant in a pot clones tho with No ill effect but pop too unsexd seeds is a problem u might get lucky but the pot is still to small I've seen them in at least 50l bend 4-6 plants sure u can find a thread about that type of stuff off Google repot fast