Is my Plant Healthy?


looks fine mabye it could use a bit more sun and a bit more in the open so its getting some wind


Active Member
how high is the wall its against or is that liek the side of your house? , its def stretched a bit

and that wall is probly the reason.
its a one story house. so about 10-13 feet tall
it had many plants around it around 2 weeks ago and i chopped them off.
how can i fix its stretchness under its current conditions?


Active Member
"i was also wondering with part is the best to clone?"

Hm, I thought this was a clone.... I think you need to let it grow out a lot more to take some clones from it. I usually take clones from lower branches, I start from the tip of the branch and count the branches going down. Once I get to 4 I cut off the branch/clone at a 45 degree angle with a razor blade, then the 4th bottom node I cut off..... Scrape the bottom of the stem with a razor just enough to break off the outer layer, dips that sucka in some root hormone (powder for me) 10-12 days later ROOTS!!
