Is my plant dying?(pics)


Well-Known Member
ok here is my 3 months old indica bagseed growing outdoor, yes i know its small for its age but i can see the preflowering hairs so im eager to keep this one alive!
im guessing nute burn, although i only fed it one time..
all i did now was flush her down with a big cup of water

anyone else know whats wrong??



Well-Known Member
from what you can see from the picture, can this nute burn catch up to the top of the plants and kill it? because its getting more yellow and brown, does that mean the leaf is dead and cant go green? should i pull them off?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
No the burn isn't like a disease that spreads. It is excess nutrient being pumped into the leaves by the root and stem system. Since you flushed it this process should slow to a stop in 2 or 3 days. Until then it will continue to burn. Don't remove leaves with any green still left on them. This just decreases the space for the excess nutrient to be pumped to and the top of the plant will begin to burn quicker. But leaves that are completely dead or brown will never come back, in fact all those burned leaves will most likely die. It sucks I know.


Well-Known Member
You're absolutely correct.After you flush with plain water,hit her with a little b-1 in the next feeding to encourage new root growth,which breaks down into new plant growth.


Well-Known Member
I think in order to properly flush it you need to use 3 times the amount of water the pot can hold. You run water through it until the excess out the bottom is clear.


Well-Known Member
to flush it put he pot over a tap and over lull in 3-5 times and lett the water drain out every time after about 3 days the leaves will pick up and go more green


Well-Known Member
ok well im going to wait a few days and see if the leaves keep burning, it could also be heat stress.

im in socal and its over 100' !!

Weed Demon

Well-Known Member
What I do is place a sturdy metal screen (I use the metal grill from an old bbq pit) over an empty 5 gal bucket and set the plant on top. I give it 32oz of water twice and let the water drain completely into the bottom bucket. This helped my gals get back to a deep green color in a few days.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
What you have is without a doubt nute burn. It honestly wouldn't hurt your plants to flush every time you water as long as you let the soil dry out in between. The point is to put what seems like ridiculous amounts of water through that pot. You need to push out all those concentrated nutes immediately. You want to pretty much drown the plants right now. Just make sure you let that pot dry out real well before you water again. If you are watering properly, the soil will not become any more saturated with a flush because all soil should be wet after a watering. Flushing just pushes a lot of additional water through to replace what you don't want in there.