is my plant budding?!? should i switch time schedule???


Active Member
The pictures arent that clear if you could get better it would help Butt.... sorry it looks like a boy to me.Better pics would help tell for sure


New Member
Even if that was a female you have a long way to go as that thing plant couldn't even support popcorn. You first need to worry about vegging a healthier and larger plant.
alright thanks thats what i was wondering im going to leave it in the light but i think its a femail it has white hairs comeing of the stem in multiple spots


Well based on the blurry pic and limited knowledge, looks like a male...Are you in white hair denial???lol j/k. Yeah to me it looks like your plant has a lot of stretching going on there and also kinda scraggly looking. I have to agree wth some of the previous posts and say, worry about growing a sturdier plant in the future.


Well-Known Member
Your plant is way too small to start flowering, and it's not that healthy, def stretched. 24/7 to me is a waste of light and elect. you'd be better off 18/6. if you flip to 12/12 now you will not get much of a yield, just small popcorn buds, that would be a waste of time and money.


Well-Known Member
Well it doesn't have enough light, or a fan, and it looks like it is being routinely over for real, do some more research and see what you can some up with...but right now you might yield a few grams...which just isn't worth the time and trouble. You can get it better though with more lights, and a fan and less water.


Active Member
agreed to be worth while you would have to veg a more healthy bigger plant. But at least you kept it alive.