Is my plant a Hermy??


Active Member
6 1/2 weeks into flower and I spotted some ball-like objects forming near the base of one of my babies top cola.

We had a nasty heat wave about a week ago that lasted approx 3 days. Temps were around the 90's.

Any advice appreciated, first time grower here.

they could be just sacks were the pistils come out of mine got heaps of those sack things i thought they were seeds but just pistils were in them. but i dont know if u got the same it could be though. if its 6 weeks in already i doubt its hermi seeds i think they woulda formed ages ago but im no expert im also sorta beginner


Active Member
Thanks guys, I guess I'll just watch them over the next couple days and see what happens.

Also, should i just cut the seeds out if it is a hermy? They are only in this one spot so I wouldn't want to axe the whole plant.

Thanks again
yo if those sack things are only in one spot on ur plant id chop em off but then again if ur plant is almost ready i prob would just leave it. if urs is a hermi it sounds like it wouldnt be that bad but i dont know how long till urs is ready but if they in a spot were u can afford too chop off then id say go for it but try get more opinions. im actually startin to stress now that maybe mine are turnin hermis . but hey u learn from ur mistakes and can only carry on knowledge for ur next grow to be better


Well-Known Member
its to late, dont take the seed. let it finish if poss. nothing you can do about it now. juat crop the seed, store it, and try to germ. it later