is my mother plant healthy?


Active Member
went to have a look this morning and all of the leaves and arms seem to be bending down, looking a little wilted, or is this normal when they mature???

there is no yellowness on any leaves, and they each get watered 2 litres every 2 days with a veg nutrient.


Total Head

Well-Known Member
looking at the pic of those leaves i would think overwatered, but the soil didn't look overly saturated from what i could tell. when you water are you watering thoroughly? watering sparingly but often is not generally a good practice.

edit:i just realized you said 2 liters every 2 days. that actually sounds like quite a bit. not sure of your pot size but i think that's overwatered. your pot should get lighter in weight when it's time to water.


Active Member
well basicly, what i do is. i put 2 litres into the tray, and i wont put anymore in until the plant drinks it all up and the tray is empty and dry!! i understand the water and dry period, the other plants are fine, i just cant understand why this one is like this. the plant usually drinks a litre or more a day which is why i say 2 litres every 2 days. i dont think i overwater atall, also if i underwatered woudlnt the leaves go yellow? the leaves at the bottom have gone yellowish, but i think thats just due to lack of light, so i just rip them off and the yellowness doesnt seem to go any higher up the plant, im slightly concerned. what else could it be?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Your mom looks plenty healthy. Yellowing leaves are normal, just keep the yellow leaves cleaned off the plant.


Active Member
yeah bird, thats what i do, they are just drooping a little and seem lifeless, just a bit worrying!!!!! :( but still green :) temps are 67 at night and 78 lights on if that helps also.