is my hps not working right?


hi all, my friend told me that if you video ur grow room under hps the video should have dark lines moving up or down the screen when u watch it back and if it dos'nt have them your hps isnt working right. is this correct any one?


Active Member
No. Are you using a magnetic ballast? The light wave of magnetic ballasts causes the lines, nothing to do with the light.


Weed Modifier
hi all, my friend told me that if you video ur grow room under hps the video should have dark lines moving up or down the screen when u watch it back and if it dos'nt have them your hps isnt working right. is this correct any one?
Have not heard of this?...seen it on vids...but not about it being a sign of light bulb failure? Hope someone can answer this one...


Well-Known Member
thats why you dont have line because it digital! yours will just interfere with your tv! lol