Is My Grow Almost Done!!! *Pics*


Active Member
Is it safe to leave a 250 wt hps running for 3-4 days unattended? I want to start a grow now, but I know I will have to leave them for a couple days over thankgiving weekend. Any advice?


New Member
You can use it during veg,use one table spoon per gallon of hot water(hot water helps it dissolve more readily)..


Well-Known Member
yea you can use molasses up to the end, you'll get more weight that way and it's not like you have to stop using it before you harvest, might want to finish with the conventional nutrients pretty soon tho

nice CFL grow!


New Member
Thats what Ive been telling people..they think you have to stop using mollases can use it all the way till the day you cut it..just use it every other watering


Well-Known Member
No way dude give it like a week or two, then she'll be FANTASTIC! Props on what you've got so far! I like your setup!


New Member
I heard it was 2tbs to a gallon...?
You can also use 2,but it;s safer to use 1..too much will cause nute lockout and other problems...Eaither way,mollases should be a part of your feeding regimen..not only cus it feed all the micro-orgamisms in your medium,but cus it feed sugars,proteins,and cars to your plant.Everything that the plant eats turns into simple sugars think of mollases as a all you can ea buffet..kiss-ass:mrgreen::cuss::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Kewl people, thanks for all the awesome replies. So does anyone have a preference on what type of molasses to use (as in name brand)? I will most likely be getting it from Wal-Mart or Hannaford or Shaws (North Eastern Stores) Thanks again...


Well-Known Member
really? i thought they'd really given up on the live concerts! that's cool though i'll for sure go see em


Well-Known Member
You can also use 2,but it;s safer to use 1..too much will cause nute lockout and other problems...Eaither way,mollases should be a part of your feeding regimen..not only cus it feed all the micro-orgamisms in your medium,but cus it feed sugars,proteins,and cars to your plant.Everything that the plant eats turns into simple sugars think of mollases as a all you can ea buffet..kiss-ass:mrgreen::cuss::eyesmoke:
That's not quite right. Do a search on here for molasses, you'll get some good info and good links. Plants can;t use sugars as nutrients. The basic idea is that the microorganisms in the soil, which are actually responsible for your plants diet, feed on the sugar in molasses and thrive (and poop) and enhance the vitality of the soil. It's cool stuff, you should look into it!


Active Member
In my opinion i would water it once more and let it sit for another 5 days..then you should see a bit difference...then pick the shit out of it and dont use molasses. let you other one go for another 2 weeks longer after you harvest the first'll see a difference guaranteed!!!! great job!