IS MY FRIEND DOIN GOOD- look and see


these ladys are 6 1/2 weeks old. hes a first time grower. im no expert but i think well be smokin bud in another month and half. is he doing good.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Ah, some leggy sativas.

Looks good accept for a little leaf curl going on there, might want to keep an eye on that.


how does he stop the stretching and what does he do about the leaf curl and what does that mean? thanks for your help


New Member
the stretching all you have to di is put light closer and leaf curlign means under watering or over watering


Well-Known Member
these ladys are 6 1/2 weeks old. hes a first time grower. im no expert but i think well be smokin bud in another month and half. is he doing good.
What wattage lights and how far from plants are they? They are stretched out pretty bad.


lol, that was good. ok- what can i do to fix this. can i cut the tops off 2 feet? what do i do about the
s t r e t c h i n g

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
lol, that was good. ok- what can i do to fix this. can i cut the tops off 2 feet? what do i do about the
s t r e t c h i n g
I'd say that LSTing is the best way to control your height and get some light to those buds lower on the plant.

I think that it would increase your yield at this point.


Well-Known Member
LST is Low Stress Training. Basically you take the main stem and bend it VERY CAREFULLY to one side until it's at a good point where you can tie it down with a stake and some thick thread or something similar to tie it down. Move those lights closer your plant is S T R E T C H E D out.


Active Member
I think you are going to run into issues with the stretch. If you are flowering them indoors I would trim off all of the top growth so the plant is a uniform height. You can clearly see where she goes from bushy to stretchy. Once you have done that induce flowering. You will still probably have to LST them during flower to control them.


thanks for the help. ive been in flowering for 3 weeks, will it hurt to take off the tops? why did so many people get mad cause i was refering to theses as my friends. i was just havin some fun trying to get some help. you know after someone post they wright at the bottom like i am in no way affiliated eith growing and this is an amaginarry post, lol. thanks for your help