Is my compost burning my plants?


Well-Known Member
Im using B&Q Multipurpose with added John Innes. Now I know John Innes has a scale of 1 -3.

Im told the mutli has John Innes 3 in which is for established plants.

These are 1 month old. Smallest 3.5", tallest 5".

The lower leaves dry up, turn yellow and crisp off, but then new growth grows.

Could the compo be too strong, and should I re-pot with lighter soil?

Im also running a 400 MH and the space is only 60x60cm. I know it could be overkill but the topsa aint burning, just the bottoms.


tea tree

Well-Known Member
dude, those need food I am thinking. You are feeding? I do not know john innes but that looks like N deficncy. You need around 10 or so of N in terms of NPK. Feed with some ro water. Ph it too. AS in check it. They should be bigger.


Active Member
I Use John Innes, its very good soil but try get "seedling stage soil" for first growth then repot in "Stage 1" Soil then finnaly "#3" when its ready for its final potting... i just add bat guano and bone meal every so often works well for me!!


Well-Known Member
I wend from seedling soil to the multi with John Innes much too soon. How do I correct it? New soil?


Well-Known Member
dude, those need food I am thinking. You are feeding? I do not know john innes but that looks like N deficncy. You need around 10 or so of N in terms of NPK. Feed with some ro water. Ph it too. AS in check it. They should be bigger.

Im in UK, can you point me in right direction?


Well-Known Member
No not been feeding which could of caused the problem right?

Ive just watered with Bio-Bizz grow. Should that add some N. I also have some seaweed extract. Shoul I be adding that nto the mix too? At what volume?


Well-Known Member
This looks like the same thing that just happened to me. I have since taken action and plants are doing better. I made a compost using mainly chicken and steer manure, other ingredients included perlite, peat moss, and vermiculite. After doing research ive found i was over fertilizing or burning the babies. I used this mix in four plants around my house. Two which are marijuana (a seedling and a clone), a Japanese maple, and some other plant. Same symptoms on all four plants. I left the compost around the roots and replanted with soil. When plants get older i will reintroduce the compost. I think this is just too much for young plants to handle. Attached is a picture showing the symtoms...curled leaves, loss of color and vigor, also burnt tips (which were cut off). New growth continues to grow but after a couple days it will also begin to look infected. After i changed to soil plants are looking much better.



Well-Known Member
way overferting it if your giving it biobizz and the soil has nutes in it. looks like a heat fert combo to me, get the temps down to around 75-80 and repot the plant in to normal soil like some fox farms or somethin. (if you really wnat to keep that lil old thing,m if not start over and you will have had the ever valuable learning experience)

tea tree

Well-Known Member
sorry dude that does look like overfert. The pic looks a lot diferent to me that the first pics. I am sorry. Keep the heat down too, good advice. I actually found that my NL could take it up too 79 and by 81 I had probs show.


Well-Known Member
Temps are 80. Well I was not feeding, but after someone saying they needed N I gave them some BioBizz Grow......they seem to have perked up this morning.


Well-Known Member
Let me just clear this up. I was NOT feeding, I had potted up into B&Q Multi with John Innes, using NO nutes, but it seems the mix was too strong.

Yesterday I was told it was an N prob. I added some BioBizz grow and overnight they drastically improved.

Today I got some Plagron Royalty Mix from the local growshop. So now ive re-potted into that using no nutes. I had good thick roots in my 1.5ltr pots which I didnt expect. I also used some Plant Magic Granules.

So the only time I fed was yesterday, and that helped bigtime.


Active Member
plagron royalty mix is what i use,they seem to struggle straight off the bat,but when they get going,well,youll see

good luck buddy,sorry did realise about that


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean BlueMax, they have a sad face on now if you know what I mean. Getting used to the soil, or stress of the re-pot?

The roots were at the bottom of the pot, as I re-potted they are now half way, will that be ok?