Is my baby gonna be ok?!

Green Life

Yesterday I followed the instruction of about 10 people and transplanted my baby into some miracle grow with perlite, also I put a fan in the grow box facing her so she got a little bit of 'wind' .. she would be 8 days old today.. She had already had signs of over watering, brown curled tip.. This morning, after getting back from breakfast I discovered she had shriveled up turned fully brown and was leaning over... I immediately gave her a little bit of water and then turned off the lights cause I had put her from 18/6 to 24/0 yesterday.

DO YOU THINK SHE'LL BE OK?! Or do you think I need to start over and get a new plant?='[


Active Member
You put an 8 day old plant in Miracle Grow?

What kind of light and how far is it from the plant?

Green Life

You put an 8 day old plant in Miracle Grow?

What kind of light and how far is it from the plant?
Its a FLURO light, 24watts + a 40watt LED, the FLURO is about 3 inches from the plant, and the LEDs are in the other corner for reflective light.


Active Member
Its a FLURO light, 24watts + a 40watt LED, the FLURO is about 3 inches from the plant, and the LEDs are in the other corner for reflective light.
Okay.. So it's not your lights. I was just making sure you weren't torching it.

I'd say that you burned it using that pre-nutriented soil. (killed it) Just my opinion though and there's no telling without pics.

Green Life

Alright ='( well then in this case, can you help me with my other problem? Usually I'm pretty successful with germinating, but the past two times havn't worked at all.. I put three seeds in a napkin, placed in some tuffaware damped the paper towel (NO PUDDLES) and then... 4 days later, (checking every 12 hours to rewater if needed) nothing.. So I did another batch, its the third day and nothing.. did I mention its in a dark and warm area about 80f? WHY IS IT NOT HATCHING?:[


Well-Known Member
Totally brown = Totally dead.

Next time give it a few weeks in a light seed starting soil before you give it nutes and or transplant into hot soil. Water it only when somewhat dry. My seedlings usually only need water once a week in 60% rh and high seventies temps.


Well-Known Member
Alright ='( well then in this case, can you help me with my other problem? Usually I'm pretty successful with germinating, but the past two times havn't worked at all.. I put three seeds in a napkin, placed in some tuffaware damped the paper towel (NO PUDDLES) and then... 4 days later, (checking every 12 hours to rewater if needed) nothing.. So I did another batch, its the third day and nothing.. did I mention its in a dark and warm area about 80f? WHY IS IT NOT HATCHING?:[
If nothing at all then the seeds are probably not viable because they would at least crack open in the paper towel. I plant my seeds in straight promix. I water the 4" pots until they won't hold any more water then plant the seed and just use a spray bottle to mist the top of the soil. If they are drying out to quickly cover with plastic wrap to keep the humidity up until they pop. Usually I have seedlings in 4 days tops.


Well-Known Member
The seedling is dead, sounds like it didnt like the rich mix. Try seed raising mix for the first 2-3 weeks. You are doing everything right in germination, so i would assume your seeds are duds, get some new fresh ones. Dont worry your luck will turn around.


Active Member
In my opinion I think it was the soil that killed the plant. When they are that young they dont need ANY nutes whatsoever. Try to get some soil without nutes in it. Theres nothing wrong with Miracle Gro, just make sure the plant is a little older(3 weeks) before transplanting into a soil that has alot of nutes in it. I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest as do alot of other people on this site and it works great from beginning to end.

100th post! :D


Well-Known Member
jk but seriously i think kurt is right, miracle grow is harsh and not meant for cannabis, if your having this much trouble go get some rapid rooter plugs and put your seedlings in those and transplant with some thoroughly flushed soil that is properly phed, i bet that miracle grows soils ph is whacked out


Active Member
jk but seriously i think kurt is right, miracle grow is harsh and not meant for cannabis, if your having this much trouble go get some rapid rooter plugs and put your seedlings in those and transplant with some thoroughly flushed soil that is properly phed, i bet that miracle grows soils ph is whacked out
Yeah I was just going to suggest that he goes and gets some started plugs, either soil (soil-like) or rockwool. I think that will solve his problem.


Well-Known Member
jk but seriously i think kurt is right, miracle grow is harsh and not meant for cannabis, if your having this much trouble go get some rapid rooter plugs and put your seedlings in those and transplant with some thoroughly flushed soil that is properly phed, i bet that miracle grows soils ph is whacked out
unless u live in a state that has it legal, they dnt make soil for cannabis dumbshit,i used miracle grow plenty of times, may not be the best mixture in the world or or have the best nutes, but if ur strapped for cash it certainly gets the job done, ppl always blame the product when its there own dumbass fault for fucking up the plant, cannabis is a weed, hence the name "weed", its able to grow in multiple enviroments w/ multiple soil types, and can adjust, to ensure its survival as a plant. its not that complicated to grow, ppl make it complicated , in my exp. ppl that try to dick w/ their plants to much are the ones who have problems, through overfeeding overwatering and other various mistakes, one of the kid main mistakes was transplanting a plant at 8 days old, give it a chance to get rooted before u fuck w/ it, i bet the dirt was just falling apart when he tranplanted exposing and displacing the root system, classic example of how ppl who dick w/ there plants to much end up killing them