is my baby gonna be ok? (pics)

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
What up everyone? This is my first grow. and i have been on my plants like white on rice. I am constantly misting it with tap water ph about 6.5 and watering about every 2-3 days. I have her under a florecent grow light right now. the tips of her leaves started to brown about last week when I gave her food. so now i am back to just water and she seems fine. I have also included a couple pics of seeds that just broke ground. Any advice and comments are welcome. I just want her to be ok.


Istayz High

Well-Known Member
I have them about 4-5 inches from the light and i have them in potting soil mix. (like MG). I did give them nutes but since the browning of the tips i have stopped and they didn't get any worse. the new leaves dont have any burn on them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its more then likely a nute burn. How old are the plants? What nutes did you use, and at what dosage?

Dont clip the brown edges = 0

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
I would say she is about 2 maybe 3 weeks old. I got adopted her from my brother. She was in bad shape and almost dead when i got her. so to see her growing like that the last week has been a miracle. I just used a mixed nute i got from the store. and i just put a 10 drops in a gallon of water like the directions said.


Well-Known Member
Breathe my friend breath.....

They look a tad bit stretched, and it looks like the pots were not filled all the way with soil, I made the same mistake and stunted plant growth a bit, I would fill it more if you can. Let the nutes kick in for a day or two if it gets worse they need to be flushed, for plant that where near death they dont look to bad at all actually, I have seen worse form people trying there hardest and who spend a $hit load of $$.

Its a weed, all it really needs it food, water, air, and light and nature will do the rest. Weeds are survivors, if they can stem through concrete in the middle of a highway your nurtured plants will be ok.


Well-Known Member
just let them grow back off them b4 u know it u will have more plants then u know what to do with thats if you are like the rest of us


Active Member
Not necessary to trim, but like robbie said, ease off a bit. Let nature do its thing. You don't have to mist constantly, and it seems like that might be contributing to the smaller leaves and growth. Fluro lights work to start seedlings and veg, but you must have the height of the fixtures nailed down.
How high do you keep your light over the plants?


Well-Known Member
yeah, overloving will kill them more than underloving will. granted they need nutes but not at every stage of the game. and misting is only really good once in awhile, not regularly as it tends to cause leaves to burn when under HID lights and can aid fungus and other pests to proliferate on the surface of your plant.

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
Oh ok i didn't know that MagusALL. Good shit. I will remember that. I should start paying more attention to my family and chill off the plant. lmao.


Well-Known Member
Don't bury the stem deeper than it came out of the ground, the plant will be OK if you don't mess with it and stop misting it all the time, TOO MUCH LOVE CAN KILL, once a week to wash the leaves is all you should need. The soil could be fine for a long time, when trying to fertilize always start with a lower amount of drops than recommended, like 3 drops at first then 5 a week later so you don't give it too much(of course with the original size of water)


Well-Known Member
What up everyone? This is my first grow. and i have been on my plants like white on rice. I am constantly misting it with tap water ph about 6.5 and watering about every 2-3 days. I have her under a florecent grow light right now. the tips of her leaves started to brown about last week when I gave her food. so now i am back to just water and she seems fine. I have also included a couple pics of seeds that just broke ground. Any advice and comments are welcome. I just want her to be ok.
can you see the white stuff on you plants leafs. thats the crap from tap water, if your going to use tap water.i use rain water. let tap water stand a few days. then it will be ok. your plants dont really need spraying and feedind, maybe feed a little once a week for first few weeks. and water every other day. if you must feed a little, then feed every other water.every 4 days.
yes there clo. bleach all kinds of shit in tap water. when i water my plants and flowers in the garden. with tap water straight fromthe hose. it turns my plants white after a while and even more when its hot. dont spray.