Is my 600W HPS good enough for vegetative growth (from seeds) and how to optimize it?


So basically I bought this kit with the tent, vents, pots, nutrients, etc..

But the only light that comes with it is the 600W HPS.
I'll be germinating the seeds (10 or 12 of them) in a few days to harvest before the summer.

I know this light is plenty good for the flowering but is there a better otion for vegetative growth.
I dont really want to spend more dollars on lighting but is there an easy way to complement those plants for the first month with something cheap?

Any advice is more than welcome.


Well-Known Member
m8 its is more then adaquate for the veg stage, if you wanna save some money on electric get a double cfl reflector with 2 x green spectrum cfl, tht wrks great, and saves pennys on ya electric 2

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i veg under my 600's with no probs mate ^^^^ isn't the green spectrum invisible to plants? that's why they're used for working on ya grow at the lights out period. but for a definite yes your 600w hps will do a great job mate just start the light higher and drop it down gradually over a couple of days to save frying them mate


Well-Known Member
fuckkkk yea itll work. if you can find a cheap one or afford it, it might help to get a bulb with an enhanced spectrum, though those bastards cost up to a hundred bucks. i know alot of people that also swear this whole mh thing is a media created hype for growing plants and that the hps still uses the spectrum the plants love. some of the people i have talked to that live in the u.k have told me there grow shop told them they would have to special order the mh and that the hps already contains alot of the blue spectrum.


m8 its is more then adaquate for the veg stage, if you wanna save some money on electric get a double cfl reflector with 2 x green spectrum cfl, tht wrks great, and saves pennys on ya electric 2
to be honest the money I will save on the bill does not justify the investment in some other lightings so I'll go with the HPS.
The CFL's I looked at would be about 40 a piece and I probobly would need at least 4 or 6. And then that would only bring wy wattage down to 300+ watts.
So I'm not really saving that much on the elec bill.

Thanks for your answer. Cheers


i veg under my 600's with no probs mate ^^^^ isn't the green spectrum invisible to plants? that's why they're used for working on ya grow at the lights out period. but for a definite yes your 600w hps will do a great job mate just start the light higher and drop it down gradually over a couple of days to save frying them mate
That was also kind of my doubt that I'm guessing the CFL's would be more flexible heat wise so the plant can get close.

What would you recommend for height above the plant?
Remember I'm seeding them so those babies are fragile ;)



fuckkkk yea itll work. if you can find a cheap one or afford it, it might help to get a bulb with an enhanced spectrum, though those bastards cost up to a hundred bucks. i know alot of people that also swear this whole mh thing is a media created hype for growing plants and that the hps still uses the spectrum the plants love. some of the people i have talked to that live in the u.k have told me there grow shop told them they would have to special order the mh and that the hps already contains alot of the blue spectrum.
Not really ready to spend an extra hundred.
I think I'll just let a harvest roll in and then invest in a proper vegginr room with dedicated lighting after the summer ;)

Cant wait to see thoso babies grow hehe.
Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
if you want your light close, choose a hood that will vent well. i use gym light reflectors off ebay. there big round, have a hole in the top and i paint them white. there also made of aluminum so weight is nothing. heat rises, so i put the light vertical in the center of the hole (hanging below the hole of course). i have the lights 3" from my ww at week 6 of flower and have done so the whole grow, never have light burn. i also use in a closet with construction fans that create a whirlwind effect aimed at the canopy/light. i never vegged with it tho, i have t-5 for that and no, its not worth spending 200 on a t-5 light, i wish i would have just bought another hid


if you want your light close, choose a hood that will vent well. i use gym light reflectors off ebay. there big round, have a hole in the top and i paint them white. there also made of aluminum so weight is nothing. heat rises, so i put the light vertical in the center of the hole (hanging below the hole of course). i have the lights 3" from my ww at week 6 of flower and have done so the whole grow, never have light burn. i also use in a closet with construction fans that create a whirlwind effect aimed at the canopy/light. i never vegged with it tho, i have t-5 for that and no, its not worth spending 200 on a t-5 light, i wish i would have just bought another hid

Actually at the moment it's quite cold here so heat is a good thing but end of april it might become a problem and I'll set up a good venting system regardless.
Your idea is quite good instead of investing in a bulb tube and a dedicated vent.
I'll see if I can get my hands on something similar around here.

Do your plant move in the wind or is it more like some kind of air displacement (if you can understand me :s)?


Well-Known Member
well, the fans are two fans on a single unit, each seperate controls and movements. i aim one up at the light and the other just below the wind that i can feel from the other. the plants are in the corner about 6" from the walls. maybe less. it hits the first wall (aimed by) then hits the second, third, then door-here during the day i can op to leave the door open or close. i leave it open cause i kick on a homemade c02 at night. door is also closed for photo period. in my veg room i use the t-5 with no fans. helps on training the mothers. and the only other thing in there are the clones anyway.


well, the fans are two fans on a single unit, each seperate controls and movements. i aim one up at the light and the other just below the wind that i can feel from the other. the plants are in the corner about 6" from the walls. maybe less. it hits the first wall (aimed by) then hits the second, third, then door-here during the day i can op to leave the door open or close. i leave it open cause i kick on a homemade c02 at night. door is also closed for photo period. in my veg room i use the t-5 with no fans. helps on training the mothers. and the only other thing in there are the clones anyway.
Damn man that's quite a setup.
Thanks for the info.
Good luck with your harvest.
I've just put my seeds to open up yesterday see how those babies go hehe.
Cant wait.
