Is music produced, or fabricated?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
start with american idol..fabricated but there is actually music being produced out there they just don't play it on the radio usually.


Well-Known Member
most new music is fabricated and even the bit that is produced still sucks. its the music that was crafted or has soul poured into it that i want to hear. sadly all i hear is shit on the radio, so i gave up and now i just listen to the same reggae jam bands and classic rock


Well-Known Member
i would have to go with produced...there are still a few artists with creativity and originality...but if you want to get technical unless it being created with actual instruments then i guess it all fabricated...


Well-Known Member
I would say it is raw, produced, fabricated, and felt.

When a band is jamming, or a song writer is writing - it is a raw "flow." When something sounds good, or feels right there is an ah ha moment where that flow becomes a song. That song is then replicated again and again. This feel can be re-captured with live concerts.

Then that band goes into a studio and cleans up the raw song with a producer. The guitar is too loud, the singer should be hitting a higher note, the drums are not crisp; whatever is "wrong" is cleaned up. Modern studios can manipulate everything to give a clean sound. There are artists like Lenny Kravitz that sing and play all the instruments on the same song, or Dave Matthews who use multiple overlapping guitar tracks on studio records.
Producing isn't a bad word. Think of the "raw" as the sketch and the producer is doing the detail work on a painting. They are collectively working together to make something that sounds great.

The studio then wants to make money so they fabricate a sellable product. They add artwork, put it in a pretty box, make posters, send the artist on the late-night show circuit, Morning Shows, radio promotion, yadda yadda. The artist is also fabricated - they now have a stylist / PR person / choreographer / chef / personal trainer to create the illusion they desire to maximize sales of CD's, merchandise and concerts. Different bands are affected by this more than others. There are some "artists" that stay mostly in this category. Think Brittany Spears / Boy Bands. They are for the most part the product - not the music.

Good music is felt by everyone along the way.


Well-Known Member

I have to change my question to "Is music produced, fabricated, or felt". Give me some more tangents. I need them for this paper.
I like to say 80%-85% of the musicwe are exposed to is fab/and produced. the other 15-20% are the real deal. These are the ones the labels/much music/radio Can't ignore!

What do you think of the whole auto-tune fad? There is a definite separation between recorded music and live nowadays. A good example is Hillary Duff who sells loads of cd's but doesn't sing live.(lip-sync) probably because of the chance to damage the product. And probably not really her choice after the contract is signed.
Edit: I still remember when auto-tune was a trade secret in recording, most of the time the singers themselves didn't know it was on cause the playback in their headphones was already effected so they believed they were doing a good job when really it was way fasted than doing it over and over again wearing out the voice and wasting alot more money.

How many times have you seen a band and said "they don't sound anything like their cd? It goes the other way too, there are bands that sound amazing live but can't get the energy or vibe to come across on cd.

Here is a good exercise to shed a little insight. Take all of your cd's and look at who produced it. You will probably notice by the time you get thru 20 or so that alot of the same names will pop up, then you will start to recognize the similarities between those artists "sound" There is alot of production in it.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Felt- Music is definately felt. Hands down. For instance The National Anthem....that shit still gives me goose bumps. Dunno why. Bob Marely, The Who, The Beetles, Nirvana. You feel that shit. Deep.

Production- Everything is produced. There is always it the band themselves tweaking and changing sounds to make something to the best of their vision.

Fabrication- I think again all music is fabricated. Isn't that the point? To take a sound or a chorus or some lyrics and run with it till you have something raw that then enters production so it can be felt?

What about music as a weapon or music as a medicine? Some more tangents possibly...

Just my $0.02


Well-Known Member
I think music is felt too, but do you have the national anthem on cd or in you i-pod? Sometimes it's what we are feeling when listening, like the song on the radio during your first date, song may suck and lyrics un-related but it will always bring you back.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I wasn't saying the national anthem is the only example just a quick one I thought of. Music is so much more to a lot of people...including myself.