Is marijuana an evil drug that kills people?


Well-Known Member

Weed like opium has many compounds in it, some working together to keep you healthy.

However thc if pure and taken alone can be rather dangerous and has killed several hundred people. Well documented


Well-Known Member
I find things like this interesting..maybe yall will too

Merck, the maker of Vioxx, publicly announced its voluntary withdrawal of Vioxx from the global market on September 30, 2004. In 2005, advisory panels in both the US and Canada encouraged the return of Vioxx to the market, stating that Vioxx's benefits outweighed the risks for some patients. The FDA advisory panel voted 17-15 to allow the drug to return to the market despite being found to increase heart risk. The vote in Canada was 12-1, and the Canadian panel noted that the cardiovascular risks from Vioxx seemed to be no worse than those from ibuprofen.

Notwithstanding these recommendations, Merck has not returned Vioxx to the market

Vioxx was the primary suspect in 4,540 deaths, in the 6 years it was on the market

In comparison, the amphetamines, including adderall and ritalin accounted for less than 200 deaths in a longer time frame.

tylenol, acetaminophen, kills about 75% less, widely distributed and actually used to prevent drug abuse.

Theres something wrong with this picture...cannadians, what are you thinking?
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Well-Known Member
Pharmaceutical prescribed drugs almost fucking killed me. Bad reaction and the side effects were NUTTY.

Weed helped. A lot actually.

Car accidents are still totally probable on the pot though. Especially new users.

Fak, I got lost 2 blocks from my house when I drove high in high school. I had lived in the same neighbourhood for 16 friggin years!



Well-Known Member
I don't know if smoking marijuana has killed anyone or not. I do know several people that have died of overdoses on prescription drugs and as a matter of fact buried a guy I know last Saturday.

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member
Pharmaceutical prescribed drugs almost fucking killed me. Bad reaction and the side effects were NUTTY.

Weed helped. A lot actually.

Car accidents are still totally probable on the pot though. Especially new users.

Fak, I got lost 2 blocks from my house when I drove high in high school. I had lived in the same neighbourhood for 16 friggin years!

make stoners ride horses instead of drive cars and then they won't hurt anyone!!! and also, yeah pharma drugs are shit - fucked me up pretty bad too....


Well-Known Member
People always like to spout "big pharma" which ironically one doesnt hear in the industry, not till you come on the internets and crappy news is that word or phrase heard..
What i like about this case, and there are plenty more. The maker of the drug pulled it back and did so despite the "govt" not wanting it too, lol at that too, "govt". I understand some people have an irrational loathing of pharmaceutical companies, but they actually arent out to get you, or treat and not cure or blah blah blah.
Its damb frustrating. Someone earlier was saying how they even despised the people who make vaccinations.
These people dedicate their lives to improving yours. We as a species are not perfect, we do not have a full understanding of most things, and can only do so much. But they're trying. Then to get a large majority of the population basically slapping them in the face is sickening to me

Rant bad

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member
People always like to spout "big pharma" which ironically one doesnt hear in the industry, not till you come on the internets and crappy news is that word or phrase heard..
What i like about this case, and there are plenty more. The maker of the drug pulled it back and did so despite the "govt" not wanting it too. I understand some people have an irrational loathing of pharmaceutical companies, but they actually arent out to get you, or treat and not cure or blah blah blah.
Its damb frustrating. Someone earlier was saying how they even despised the people who make vaccinations.
These people dedicate their lives to improving yours. We as a species are not perfect, we do not have a full understanding of most things, and can only do so much. But they're trying. Then to get a large majority of the population basically slapping them in the face is sickening to me
no down under our senate (upper house of parliament) is grilling the big pharma 9 about tax evasion and profit shifting, transfer pricing and all that. they call them big pharm

they are shitcunts, selling poison.

no research is focused on the problems that face 90% of the globe, instead trillions goes into erectile dysfunction, cosmetic tech, fat old white ppl diseases and bullshit genetic/cancer research instead of practical medicines for diseases that are curable but don't get attention.

These people dedicate their lives to improving yours. We as a species are not perfect, we do not have a full understanding of most things, and can only do so much. But they're trying. Then to get a large majority of the population basically slapping them in the face is sickening to me
baaaahahaa - these ppl hide data that proves their drugs are ineffective or even harmful while selling it to you and lying to the regulators... and they eke every cent out of you with patents and bullshit instead of trying to progress science!!!

Patent the breast cancer gene and limit research and application of new diagnostic/treatment possibilities - thats a fucking generous thing to do. then fight to uphold that patent against a breast cancer survivor in court, and then make her pay legal damages after she looses. lovely people
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Well-Known Member
Without "big pharma" or whoever makes the drugs, I would have died as an infant. I was a sick kid.

Always been sick, one way or another.

Buuuut, I didn't know how bad some of the side effects could be from antidepressants. I thought that shit was harmless. And for a lot of people it is.

But if its not....yowsa! Those were some fuuuked up months.


Well-Known Member
People always like to spout "big pharma" which ironically one doesnt hear in the industry, not till you come on the internets and crappy news is that word or phrase heard..
What i like about this case, and there are plenty more. The maker of the drug pulled it back and did so despite the "govt" not wanting it too, lol at that too, "govt". I understand some people have an irrational loathing of pharmaceutical companies, but they actually arent out to get you, or treat and not cure or blah blah blah.
Its damb frustrating. Someone earlier was saying how they even despised the people who make vaccinations.

These people dedicate their lives to improving yours. We as a species are not perfect, we do not have a full understanding of most things, and can only do so much. But they're trying. Then to get a large majority of the population basically slapping them in the face is sickening to me

Rant bad
The problem with "Big Pharma" and our government is that they don't give two hoots in hell about our well being. For every $1 they spend on researching a new drug, they spend $16 marketing it. Then our wonderful bureaucrats in Washington, known as the FDA, approve a drug that they have to pull of the shelves because it causes cancer or seizures or straight up kills you. Then the lawyers that can't get a break in the political scene file a class action lawsuit and make a pile of money from victims.

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member
Without "big pharma" or whoever makes the drugs, I would have died as an infant. I was a sick kid.

Always been sick, one way or another.

Buuuut, I didn't know how bad some of the side effects could be from antidepressants. I thought that shit was harmless. And for a lot of people it is.

But if its not....yowsa! Those were some fuuuked up months.
but you don't need big pharma, brazil, india and china rip off drugs all the time and produce them at prices the poor ppl can actually afford...

depression in most cases is more a problem of society than the individual, heal society and a lot of depression wouldn't need drugs and medication ...


Well-Known Member
This right here is what im talking about.

Will be adding to sunshines sad thread
I think she got locked down tight!

but you don't need big pharma, brazil, india and china rip off drugs all the time and produce them at prices the poor ppl can actually afford...

depression in most cases is more a problem of society than the individual, heal society and a lot of depression wouldn't need drugs and medication ...
That would be nice...if I didn't need these drugs. One day I might not.

But there are times, when nothing else helped. Could be a crutch, sure. But ill take the crutch over cutting off my legs.

Diseases of the mind are weird. Because when you're the sickest, you try to convince yourself that nothing is wrong physically or mentally and that nothing could help.

Sorry, I side tracked.

I got no clue really. Business will always be run to make a profit. It's pretty nuts how expensive health care is in the states. Fucking terrifying really.

I don't know what it's like to live there. But it's scary for someone like me that's spent a lot of time in hospitals.


Well-Known Member
Damn it did? I was wondering what happened i just woke up at like 4 or 5 i musta missed it.

The u.s. has a lot of issues. Alot of people dont even have healthcare and just use er's as their doctor. Of course we cant turn them away and its also illegal to "collect" or file any sort of criminal type shit.. so they dont pay the bill, why would they when medical credit scores arent allowed to be used when getting financed for say...anything

I really dont like most americans, but i do like the location..

I wonder if other countries are afraid of pharmaceuticals. I like most in europe

Chester da Horse

Well-Known Member
Sorry, I side tracked.
down the yellow brick road we go...
depression is a valid state of mind, been there, feels right and justified at the time, stupid if you look back.

But the health system is more the suffering system, we don't often improve things at all. why can't people even consider the concept of healers rather than doctors, gratitude instead of hospital bills, and society instead of each other?

I quit the aussie health system cos I wasn't helping anyone... and I hear its worse over there... we seem to be heading in your direction tho.


Well-Known Member
I've been lucky. I really like Americans, the ones I've met. Friendly fucking people, if you ask me.

Although the ones I've talked to the most lived in the north of Minnesota (and they're made of honey and kisses I think - so fuckin nice). And Vegas. Everyone that lives in Vegas is happy. It's VEGAS.

I also often have a shit-eaters grin on my face on vacation. Usually renders a decent response.