Is Joe Biden A Closet Stoner?


New Member

No one is this stupid, unless they just burned!
Are the bots behind him just being nice or are they stoned too? LOL


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure Ron Paul... other than that Gary Johnson, maybe. Not many others cometo mind... point taken. You take the first toke.

I believe these guys also "reap some rewards" from their politics, but to a lesser degree. It would be foolish to think otherwise.....


Active Member
Rand... I don't trust that guy. Hell, as much as I want to, I almost don't trust Ron anymore either... the system is shit really. We should all just move to New Hampshire and say "fuck the system" and be rid of it once and for all and live in peace with real freedoms. These effers are so dyed in the wool statist types that I believe Rand is too... I still love Ron and always will... at least what I believed anyway... that was fun. Though it was never about winning for him, but more about getting the message of Austrian Economics into the minds of the shit heads so that they can see how fucked they are and God willing ACTUALLY DOSOMETHING ABOUT IT!


Active Member
I think of a "wasted vote" as two things.

1. Supporting the lesser of two evils and as Jerry said "you are still supporting evil".

2. A vote.


Well-Known Member
Will you kindly put that in terms that neanderthals can make sense out of? That will be most helpful.
Rawn Pawl failed, he's a consistent failure over and over again.

Learn to live with this fact.

Endorse a real libertarian, not a Republitard like Paul.