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Without the Bible, there is no Christianity. But take your pick of any of the cult religions..... they can all be replaced much better with other books......
Man made religion, not God.Without the Bible, there is no Christianity. But take your pick of any of the cult religions..... they can all be replaced much better with other books......
never said i base my life on a book, but if you are a true christian, then yes it is very important that you do base yourself on that "book". the guy was asking if its ok for christians to smoke weed and i told him my opinion. as for my own experiences, u obviously read my post, i smoke. If i based my life on that book, then in that religion i would be destroying gods temple, as smoke does destroy ur you base your life on a book written by other men such as yourself? think for yourself its uplifting trust me come on what is your opinion based on your own experiences? or do religious types only repeat what they have read and been told if thats the case well religion's a hard sell to free minds.
Lot of Scripture could be brought to bear on this topic. First thing which should be settled is, whether or not partaking of killer weed is legal in your part of the world. Christians are supposed to be obedient to the Laws of the Land. If it's legal for you to do it we also run into the old desecration of the Temple (your body) problem as in is it healthy for a person to do that? Think there is still some debate on that issue. I heard a Doctor, Denna Dell fairly well known radio/TV medical rep tell a caller on the phone that smoking pot was good for people with bad lungs COPD, chronic broncitis etc. Only thing is the Doc say to vaporize it. He said don't smoke it raw. If its legal and used in moderation I don't see a problem with it. I am an ordained Minister if that helps in your decision making process. If you feel guilty when you do it that could be a sign the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you don't do it. Sometimes He speaks through a little gizmo we have embedded somewhere within us called a "conscience" which as we all know not even a vestige of which can be found in lower life forms. Meaning the adherents to the Religion of Evolutionism are full of *hit. If the theories which arose from the speculations of Darwin were true there should be some form of a conscience in creatures other than humans. Simple huh?
I feel that way too. Alcohol feels bad, E feels bad (well, AMAZING at the time), but herb just improves my life, all gain, no pain.U know hun ~ I'm a Christian and have smoked for many many years. God made all things and this plant was made for me... and U. He loves it when I get high ~ meditation brings me closer.
Smoke and Be HAPPY!
go straight to hell do not pass go or collect £200Hey everybody im 18 and have been smoking for a little less than a year. I was just wondering do you guys think that its wrong to smoke weed and be a christian. I grew up around the whole religious stuff, private school, chruch ect. and did not like it at all so many fake people and boringness. But at this point in my life i truly believe that there is a God just not sure what to believe or even know if we can know anything about this being. But so far from things ive reasearched and experienced i think the Christian God makes the most sense to me. I read this and though it had some good points but idk didnt convince me at all that its completley wrong. 1. Does it glorify him not really but does it really disapoint God too. Does sitting watching tv glorify god no but it doesnt hurt anything either 2. Yes when your on cannibis your a little less in control but as long as your doing cannibis in consideration and not doing before work school and interfering with your responsibilities then your still practicing good self control i think. 3. Cannibis has never made me do anything i really didnt want to do (unlike alcohol) i can pretty much control myself only think i cant is control laughing my euphoria and sometimes the muchies but even then i can control those now. So again i dont think its a problem. 4 Question 4 brings me back to the same point its not neccisarily glorifying but doest not glorify i think. As for the damage to your body yes it is hurting your lungs but isnt eating fatty foods hurting us too why is it not a prioity to completley stop eating all body harming foods I think because its a pleasure in life that God wants us to enjoy but he still wants us to practice self control so basically dont do it all the time. If your not abusing it and not pushing others to smoke then why should it hurt others. Others may be influenced to do it by seeing you and maybe they dont have the self control to handle it but thats when you should step in and tell them cannibis isnt for them. And for the last question well yes i could live without it...but i could live without alot of things i could go live on the bare minimum not have t.v guitars so many useless things but i think again that God placed some pleasures to enjoy (within reason of corase) on this earth and that there is nothing wrong with that. So any Christians on RIU who can help me. Basically im asking this because I truly believe that there is a God and am trying to figure out how to fill this emptiness in my life. Post anything please, it doesnt matter to me im probably wrong anyway and i apologize for any spelling grammatic and many other errors sorry(Oh but dont post any hater shit have a point and some logic behind your statement please ty
Love your name!Ha ha.So funny how many Christians love guns.What do you think Jesus would think of you smoking weed and owning a 357 mag.If your a true holy roller don;t ask other potheads about God and pot ask other Christians what they think of you smoking weed.Hey folks, good to hear some incouraging words here. As a real Jesus freak myself and having partk'n in the so called "evil weed", I suppose I could take a moment to express a couple of lives expirences, for what thier worth ...... Smoked it about five years, and then ,then one daaaaayy, it just got to me??? it was just plain stupid to try and be a witness and light of Christ while stoned on street corner somewhere. However, I really, really enjoyed smok'n dope. So what else could I do except to cry out to God for help. Yep, he took the desire out of my heart and with some tears and some hope , went on my merry little way. Thing is , God in the several years that I smoked Pot while walking with him, never did say anything about it to me, whatsoever. Some years have past now and I went and got my Medical marijuana License ( Doctors wanting me on morphine). To hell with that! I've seen enough people addicted to that stuff. Besides God had warned about it sometime earlier, and to avoid it . So even if'n I did want it, I was shit out of luck. ( except probaly for a short period of time for severe pain and such. In any case I've smoked it few times since, even eatten a bit. But then that "DAMN Grace of God thing he pulls, you know like I thought I really was going to need this stuff to get by with my problems, but like his usual practice, his grace intervenes, And so now, don't need it in, all the powerful way, that I thought I would. And so we con't on, the Misses and I doing the daily grind., if'n I need it fine, and I can get it legally if needed, but if'n not .... God still has never said a dang thing to me about it. Well of course.... there's "ALWAYS" the scriptures values on the matter. And, ittttt.... "seems" ? to boil down to a couple of things, "at least in my walk with the Lord "Every man has got work thier own salvation with him. " And frankly there is nothing against in the scriptures." Ironiccally.... sometimes, I find God really dosen't give shit about the things we worry about so much. But then again , he does have your name and your address, so let him come and tell if'n there is a problem with you using it! Like , he is a God of Love and understanding, but then he is not an idiot either. Anyways..........
Won't quote verse and chapter (If'n your really intrested , perhaps you could take the time to check out the abc's on the matter from the good book itself.
1. Christians ( except Jewish Christians) we "Gentiles", are under no burden than this...than to abstain from the eating of blood, things strangled, and fornication, If you do these things you shall fair well.
2. He that condemeth himself in the thing that he allowth, to him it is sin.
3.He that Loveth the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and his neighbor as him self. Has fulfill all the commands of the Lord.
And one more word of Love, toward the Pot toking gang here. Want to really know the truth of the matter, may I suggest you go directly to God and get the information first hand. Ask him to give you ears to hear the spirit has to say, and then ask for a heart of obiediance to do it, as he sees fit. Fair well...........and toke safely![]()
go straight to hell do not pass go or collect £200
How effing high were you when "God" spoke to you? Do you guys have conversations often?Hey folks, good to hear some incouraging words here. As a real Jesus freak myself and having partk'n in the so called "evil weed", I suppose I could take a moment to express a couple of lives expirences, for what thier worth ...... Smoked it about five years, and then ,then one daaaaayy, it just got to me??? it was just plain stupid to try and be a witness and light of Christ while stoned on street corner somewhere. However, I really, really enjoyed smok'n dope. So what else could I do except to cry out to God for help. Yep, he took the desire out of my heart and with some tears and some hope , went on my merry little way. Thing is , God in the several years that I smoked Pot while walking with him, never did say anything about it to me, whatsoever. Some years have past now and I went and got my Medical marijuana License ( Doctors wanting me on morphine). To hell with that! I've seen enough people addicted to that stuff. Besides God had warned about it sometime earlier, and to avoid it . So even if'n I did want it, I was shit out of luck. ( except probaly for a short period of time for severe pain and such. In any case I've smoked it few times since, even eatten a bit. But then that "DAMN Grace of God thing he pulls, you know like I thought I really was going to need this stuff to get by with my problems, but like his usual practice, his grace intervenes, And so now, don't need it in, all the powerful way, that I thought I would. And so we con't on, the Misses and I doing the daily grind., if'n I need it fine, and I can get it legally if needed, but if'n not .... God still has never said a dang thing to me about it. Well of course.... there's "ALWAYS" the scriptures values on the matter. And, ittttt.... "seems" ? to boil down to a couple of things, "at least in my walk with the Lord "Every man has got work thier own salvation with him. " And frankly there is nothing against in the scriptures." Ironiccally.... sometimes, I find God really dosen't give shit about the things we worry about so much. But then again , he does have your name and your address, so let him come and tell if'n there is a problem with you using it! Like , he is a God of Love and understanding, but then he is not an idiot either. Anyways..........
Won't quote verse and chapter (If'n your really intrested , perhaps you could take the time to check out the abc's on the matter from the good book itself.
1. Christians ( except Jewish Christians) we "Gentiles", are under no burden than this...than to abstain from the eating of blood, things strangled, and fornication, If you do these things you shall fair well.
2. He that condemeth himself in the thing that he allowth, to him it is sin.
3.He that Loveth the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and his neighbor as him self. Has fulfill all the commands of the Lord.
And one more word of Love, toward the Pot toking gang here. Want to really know the truth of the matter, may I suggest you go directly to God and get the information first hand. Ask him to give you ears to hear the spirit has to say, and then ask for a heart of obiediance to do it, as he sees fit. Fair well...........and toke safely![]()