Is it worth keeping a hermie whose showing only female preflowers now? PICS


Well-Known Member
All of my plants are 35 days in veg from seed, so this is all based on pre-flowers (if i'm interpreting pre-flowers right, please correct me if I dunno wtf im talking about?)

I have a plant that started showing male pre-flowers around 29, 30 days (so 4th week).

It then started growing rapidly, and showing only female pistils at each node (NOT stipules, they are long white hairs) , within 5 days (many sidebranches have also exploded upwards in the last 5 days, my plant is apparently finally happy)!

If possible I want to keep this plant, because ... LST is awesome ! (so many sidebranches just rocketing up, some faster then the main growth haha).

So my question is, can I remove the balls, which are ONLY on the lowest 2 branches (and everything since, which is 3 nodes more is just female pistils), and flower the plant and still have decent bud? Will balls come back?

Here are the pics, sorry for the quality, my camera is shitty, and does a terrible job up close. I think u can see what im getting across though (ball on sticks in first pic, hard to see but many pistils in second pic)


I would not let the HeShe live not worth the risk to a future Lady that may be pollinated even if you wished the youll most likely end up with a lot of the same. I Vote remove


Well-Known Member
k thxs,

A damn shame cuz that makes almost all 6 i planted male, only 2 female, one I bought as a feminized seed from a seedbank (from which I want to grow clones), and of all the other random ones I planted just one female :(

Might have to keep this room veg and just put that random female outside and hope for the best
Sorry to here that Guitarguy, I would check out clones from a Feminized seed, some say you can some say not a good idea, Me I dont know. but I do know
feminized dont mean it will be a girl, my luck just recently 4 Hericule (Fem) all came up and looked great then 2 males . I keeping getting 50% no matter how they are germinated , low stress, I think it boils down to Two things Strain and how well cared after last years Fresh,not those you been saving
in you coat pocket for 5 - 10 years. And a seedbank that supplies seed have those 2 things but even then 50% of what you use is good 60-70% Great...
Sannies El Monstre F2 ,planted 8 seed, 1 male, 7 females.....Chocolate Rain 12 seed planted 3 males 9 females.....Herijuana IBL planted 12 no males 12 females. 2 thumbs for Sannies seed and the three I know a little about.


Active Member
man keep it - i had similar experience 2 times already i cut the balls of ^^
they came out at same stage while starting flower no new ballz seen after..
and the plant finished good and the smoke was awesome :)
anyway i grew only 1 plant at a time so no risk of pollinating other female your choice ...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I might put it outdoors and let it just grow to fruition.

The goal in the first place was to just get some of these guys ready inside before I transplanted them outdoors as some of them are outdoor breeds. Its just that when I started LSTing them they became beasts lol and I wanted to finish em inside. So while it may look like a coiled snake I might still put it outside, I dunno.

I'm facing the realization I may just not flower AT ALL, because to do so from the 6 plants I started, and not sacrificing the expensive feminized northern lights I grew just to be a mother plant (and by sacrifice I mean put her into flower) I would only have ONE plant to flower in the grow box.

So I may as well just take clones if I can and pray that expensive northern lights is indeed a girl like I paid for, and just keep on veggin for a while.

Fundamental problem is I don't have a separate area to keep vegging plants, and one to flower plants, just 1 grow box without enough W/L room to make a second area, and no where else stealth to make a second room out of. Oh well I guess

Just sucks because its been 37 days now since start and I was looking forward to starting to flower some plants finally