is it worth it?


hey guys currently have a small grow space going(90cmx60x2.4m) with a 400w hps light, have 3 plants going in there in it is really becoming cramped. Pulled my first one bout 2week bak, had to pull early as the dreaded spidermites where invding! I only got 2 n 1/2oz out of it(thought i was gona get alot more as ya do) i think mainly beacuse i had to pull early the buds wernt as heavy n filled out as they should have been. i reckon i have pretty much broken even for the amount it was cost me to set up this grow. What i am wondering is it going to be benefical enough for me to set up a tent that is 1.2mx1.2mx2m with a 600w hsp light at a cost of about 2oz? Or should i continue with my small space n 400w( by the way 400w was loaned to be should i just replace the globe? i know i should anyway but ye..) I guess the real question is will i yield the 2oz bak by upgraing or should i stick a 600w in my small space i just dunno?? All feedbak welcomed and appreicated cheers guys


Active Member
Well... I'm thinking that you'll get a better yield if you can maintain the spider mites. Plus, it would probably be better for you not to grow so many plants if you don't have enough room. I'm guessing you just wanted someone to share a bit of common sense with you? You obviously have something good going if you are yielding 2.5 oz per plant...


i have actually got the spidermite undercontrol guys cheers, i had to rush to get last plant out as the chem i am using needed to be flushed out for at least 2weeks before pulling, ye common sense is wat i was really looking for, i didnt think 2.5oz for a plant was to good at all was quite a bushy nice plant but like i said prob would have been alot better if left for another week or 2 which i bout how early i pulled it


hmm i still am wondering though if i should get the bigger space n bigger light, or just the bigger light for the smaller space... any suggestions?