Is it wise to feed nutes to my Blueberry mother plant (in soil) EVERY time I water?


Well-Known Member
Simple question:

Is it wise to feed nutes to my Blueberry mother plant (in soil) EVERY time I water?

Im using Biobizz Grow (Ive been told its organic) at 1/4 strength @ 6.5 PH (is that rate ok for a mother plant?) but for the first time recently fed her at 1/2 strength.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats fine just work your way up to a full dose next time maybe give her a whole strength now that your at half. I wouldnt be feeding nutes every watering but she is indica and they eat alot, just be careful.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats fine just work your way up to a full dose next time maybe give her a whole strength now that your at half. I wouldnt be feeding nutes every watering but she is indica and they eat alot, just be careful.
I water when the leaves begin to wilt which is approx every 4 days, how often would you recommend I feed her with nutes?


Well-Known Member
No I don't think its a waist of nutes if you watered your BlueBerry mom plant every watering . if you do that you might be able to get away with giving it 1/8 - 1/2 strength every watering with out doing any harm. Make sure you do a soil flush once every month to make sure you get rid of any salt build-up


Well-Known Member
No I don't think its a waist of nutes if you watered your BlueBerry mom plant every watering . if you do that you might be able to get away with giving it 1/8 - 1/2 strength every watering with out doing any harm. Make sure you do a soil flush once every month to make sure you get rid of any salt build-up
Should I PH the water when performing a soil flush? If so then at what rate?


Well-Known Member
Yeah but I water mine and they are 100% sativas, water and molasses and then water, nutes, molasses. Sativas are light feeders indicas eat a little more so mine get fed minimum once a week with nutes.


Well-Known Member
very true. My Bubble Gums (Sativa dominant) required less nutes than the Northern Lights cross. Definitely more sensitive.


Well-Known Member
i hardly ever give my mother plant nutes. its big so i just give it water cuz i really dont want it to grow fast. it keeps me supplied with more than enough cuttings


Well-Known Member
i hardly ever give my mother plant nutes. its big so i just give it water cuz i really dont want it to grow fast. it keeps me supplied with more than enough cuttings
Actually my mother plant is very close to the fluros so Maybe Ill cut back on the nutes. What PH range do you water at without nutes?


Well-Known Member
i dont even ph the water if i dont add nutes. my tap water is usually ph stable at like 6-6.5 range so i dont bother.


Well-Known Member
My tap now with a filter on it for 20 bucks at wallys world, tap phs at 6.5 its great


Well-Known Member
dude you can't be serious with this question.

do you people not know the basics of growing??

this question falls into the "common sense" category.. I've seen alot of these type of questions being asked lately. It's getting old.. :|

But yeah, once again.. you should be able to answer that question for yourself. I mean really bro, its common sense. If you were to feed

your plant(s) with nutrients EVERY single time you water.. your going to cause the plant problems.. and most likely end up killing it.

So, to answer your so called question.. No. Don't feed her every time you water her.. you'll run into problems.

anyhow.. best of luck to ya's.

lastly, a little tip for ya... and everyone else! that doesn't know the basics of growing.. just a little tip. READ.



Well-Known Member
The first posted was made in early 2009 Ive got the hang of it now but thanks for the input,
In order for blueberry plants to produce berries the soil pH needs to be between 4.5 – 5.2. I don't think that there is any problem giving nutes to your mother plant every time you water but be sure that the level of pH is maintained.
