Is it unclean to not change your bong water out frequently if you only use hash oil?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
So re-read the highly descriptive title.

what do you think? is it a double standard?

looks clean to me :blsmoke:

except the globs of oil that is
i think its pretty fukn gross. especially when you have a stoned friend (or yourself) knock the fukn thing all over your couch or carpet or whatever the smell sticks and hard to clean.... girls arnt to fond of smoking out of something like that either.. anyways, yea man clean that shit

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i think its pretty fukn gross. especially when you have a stoned friend (or yourself) knock the fukn thing all over your couch or carpet or whatever the smell sticks and hard to clean.... girls arnt to fond of smoking out of something like that either.. anyways, yea man clean that shit

never done that

& i'm talking ONLY hash oil.... i dont think it even dirties the water :?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Unclean means something different to everyone. I don't bother cleaning mine when i'm smoking whatever i have at hand out of it :p although i did clean it about 2 days ago, took damned near 20 minutes :D

Is a pig unclean?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
thats what i'm saying TTT :lol:

I was just thinking about it today I swap it once every 2 weeks or so...


Well-Known Member
I notice that if fresh water is used everytime with a bong, it doesnt fuck up your lungs so much... plus dirty bongs make yellow smoke... trust me I know. I took a hit of AMAZING weed out of a semi-dirty bong, the smoke came up sooooo thick and yellow, it took all my will power to trust my brother knew what he was doing. And he clamped his fingers over my mouth and nose, saying it was the only hit I was getting, it should count... I let go of this dirty yellow smoke and i was FUCKED UP. I couldnt even move. I couldnt even think. And it was only one hit. I couldnt even function. And my brother was on shrooms with his best friend while I was super high, yet we all had the same facial expression... lol that night was awesome. We caught a scorpion off the ceiling.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I notice that if fresh water is used everytime with a bong, it doesnt fuck up your lungs so much... plus dirty bongs make yellow smoke... trust me I know. I took a hit of AMAZING weed out of a semi-dirty bong, the smoke came up sooooo thick and yellow, it took all my will power to trust my brother knew what he was doing. And he clamped his fingers over my mouth and nose, saying it was the only hit I was getting, it should count... I let go of this dirty yellow smoke and i was FUCKED UP. I couldnt even move. I couldnt even think. And it was only one hit. I couldnt even function. And my brother was on shrooms with his best friend while I was super high, yet we all had the same facial expression... lol that night was awesome. We caught a scorpion off the ceiling.
i'm not talking about smoke, or burning weed..

I'm talking about ONLY vaporizing hash oil off of a titanium nail in my bong, and not changing the water for a few weeks.

The water is completely clear except for the hash oil in the water.


Well-Known Member
my story was a digression on your topic. Basically my point was, a bong can never be too clean. so just change it frequently. think about clean dish water... its in your sink, no dishes have been put in it, except one greasy spoon... its a small spoon, but all the grease comes off of the spoon... and now there is grease/oil floating around in your dishwater... would you want to do dishes in greasy water? would you want to smoke out of an oily bong? just my two cents

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
theres a lot of people that remove the oil in the water, and make edibles with it... it's quite common :?

so yeah i' not sure :lol:


Well-Known Member
lol that does not sound healthy. idk, i just prefer to have clean smoking instruments, even if they look clean I check. Like this little hitter pipe I had, looked perfectly clean. I cleaned it anyway and got so much resin I could have filled up the bowl twice. But i think in your case, maybe change the water every three to five uses? sounds reasonable.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
this is my ash catch after about 3 weeks... 100+ dabs.. just adding water as it evaporates

does the water look DIRTY to you though? :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
the water doesnt look dirty, but the idea of smoking out of three week old water grosses me out... lol its like drinking out of a cup of water that has been sitting for a while. but do what pleases you


Well-Known Member
Is that a hurricane?

anyway it doesn't look dirty, as long as you're getting nice clear hits it shouldn't matter.
It's your bong, you can turn that thing black for all I care lol.


Well-Known Member
The water may not be dirty, but you know it's stale. I rinse and put in fresh water every couple of uses. But that's just me.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Don't clean your bong but put fresh cold water in it. It is stale. But honestly with all my experience with oil has been with pieces like yours. Full of oil with clean water. Your good. Other then being lazy...why not put new water in every few days?