Is it too late to start nuting?


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I was naive and thought I could grow without nutes, just good organic soil and water, but after 10 days of flowering my C99 and Dr Grinspoon are showing signs of starvation. I just bought some FloraNova 4-8-7, am I too late? thanks


Well-Known Member
Feed those babies, it's never too late, don't forget, don't use full strength, they're just babies.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info, I think I'll start at 25% the recommended dosage and take it from there


Active Member
Flora Nova is good stuff. I used it for a while before i graduated to AN, then the to the "Holy Grail" BioCanna. Good luck!


i once leaved 2 clones in plain sandy soil in a deserted location,came back and collected about 10g of bud out of each
best organic bud ever :D,the plant was in a good shape considering it had no nutes whatsoever,it looked alive though all the leaves were yellow,buds had a natural smell,no additives.
If you want to go organic you get some seeds/clones and place them somewhere where there`s no trace of nutes,in the vacuum of space.
Best bud is good fed bud,sweet and sour not plain and pale.


Well-Known Member
Here's a few pics of my babes C99 (13 days since first pistils) and Dr.Grinspoon (10 days). Cindy on the left.



Well-Known Member
Ya nutes and more lights.. any reason for not filling the ladies pots with soil?


Well-Known Member
Ya nutes and more lights.. any reason for not filling the ladies pots with soil?
the white pot is actually huge so i think she'll have enough, but yeah I could've put more..

they're under a total of 206 watts (800 equivalent) right now, how much more would you recommend for a decent yield?