Is it too late to fertilize?


Active Member
This is probably a dumb question but I am new to growing. My plant has been growing for about a month and a half and progress has been very slow. My question is it ever to late to introduce a fertilizer? I plan on using FF Grow Big if not


Well-Known Member
You should fertilize right up to the last week or so of growing. Once you start flowering, switch to FF Big Bloom.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice. I plan on heading to the hydro store soon. Another question. I seem to have a nitro def. Will the Grow Big help?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. I plan on heading to the hydro store soon. Another question. I seem to have a nitro def. Will the Grow Big help?
Yep, Grow Big is heavy on nitrogen. I have no doubt you are def. Usually around 3-4 weeks from seed you will start to see the effects of N def. if you aren't using fertilizers.