is it too hot at 108

my plant was doing really good, but then it got really hot and now i am getting dead leaves everywhere..but everything seems this normal?

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
You need to keep the temps under 85 degrees F. Above that temp growth really slows down to almost nothing. In the 70's in optimal. Your temps are way too high.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
im assuming this is an out door grow ...sense it in the outdoor section..... how are u supose to control the heat outside its impossible ...
Whoops sorry. I assumed it was an indoor grow. I never really look at what forum it is just check the new posts.


Well-Known Member
yeah.... 112 here.... ladies are growing just fine...... make sure they get extra water and nutes to bear the heat, ;) ......... mist and wind ;) ....... keeps um cool they reach for the sky ;)
thanks peeps..well they are alright now, i just soak them down good cuz fox farm really drains too least i dont have to worry bout root rot..