Is it to late to transplant?


My plant is outside, planted in the ground in the middle of my garden. Its been growing for two months and is about 6 ft tall and still growing. Ive topped and LST and its still growing tall. So i would like to transplant it into a pot so that I can 1 take it inside two hours before sun goes down so I can start 12/12 and 2 so it doesnt get noticed by neibors. Also when it starts to bud I am afraid that the rain will give the buds bud rot since there is nothing to cover the plant when it rains. So am I safe to transplant this plant? I dont know if the age matters or if that is a factor? Please give me some feed back guys I really need to know what to do, THanks!


Active Member
It can be done, but I doubt it without damaging the root system (unless you are willing too spends days digging carefully), that root system is likely all over the place by now.
It'll be a bit of a shock to the plant but if you keep it well watered and mist the leaves regularly for a week or two it will be ok. Just dig out a decent sized root ball so you disturb the roots as little as possible. And put it in a BIG pot.


New Member
i wouldnt no way no how too much of a chance bout bending it over and weighing it down with a brick?

kbo ca

Active Member
Not a good idea to transplant at this point. You would be better off building something around your plant ( a makeshift greenhouse) and put a tarp over it to create the amount of darkness that you need to flower. Shouldn't cost more than 50 bucks and will keep your plant from dying, or being stressed out which is inevitable. good luck to you! Respect


Well-Known Member
As long as you don't man handle the plant you should be ok. I've dug up plants to move from one side of the yard to the other. There's a chance of killing it, but if your plant is well feed and healthy to begin with you should be fine.

By digging the plant up you'll end up cutting some roots, its pretty much unavoidable, but MJ doesn't have a tap root. The other roots will compensate for the loss. You will probably see growth affected for a week or two, otherwise the plant will be fine.

I'm kind of curious how you managed to grow a six foot pant in two months. What strain are you growing?

Oh and it might be easier to bag her. I would think hauling a six foot plant would be a real pain in the you know what.

- Vin


Well-Known Member
if you have the time and resources available build a frame around it and put a dark sheet over it in the evening when you want the 12/12 to start and take it off at night when its pitch black.
it can act as a greenhouse too if you use a clear sheet during the day, and protect it from rain


If you do transplant make sure to use B1 and rapid start to help take the stress off, good luck