Is it to late to transplant to a larger pot?


Active Member
Popcorn buds is mainly a prob indoors due to lighting. Outdoors it's not that bad cause even the smaller buds will still be dense due to the sun, so even they're good. A lot has to do with strain also. Some strains just have airy buds. Popcorn buds aren't necessarily a bad thing as long as they some density to them. Besides, you can always take the buds that you don't like and make hash or oil with them, so that way it's not a waste.
I want nice dense buds. Its funny, I dont even smoke. I will grow 1 plant as a hobby. Then when she is done. I will start new grow with a new strain. I just let friends and family try it. I wait for the comments that they have. LOL


Well-Known Member
I have to be careful, her limbs are thick as hell.
I always put a put a dbl slip knot at the bottom that way i can adjust it as needed. Just be sure when you tie her to use your fingers to pull the limbs over so that way you get an idea as to the amount of stress you are puttting on the limb. I f you just pull with the string you tend to pull too hard. Just pull a lil ways to start then every cpl dys just pull a lil further. You're not lst'ing her just spreading her out to get better light an air circulation to the middle of the plant. You want as much light and air as you can get especially outdoors where mold is a bigger isssue die to rain late in the season and damp nights. You want her to be able to dry as fast as possible in the mornings and after rain


Well-Known Member
I want nice dense buds. Its funny, I dont even smoke. I will grow 1 plant as a hobby. Then when she is done. I will start new grow with a new strain. I just let friends and family try it. I wait for the comments that they have. LOL
They are some fun plants to grow. Especially when you get a really nice strain that just goes crazy during flower. To me they're a beautiful plant besides the added beefits


Active Member
They are some fun plants to grow. Especially when you get a really nice strain that just goes crazy during flower. To me they're a beautiful plant besides the added beefits
I have 1 plant of this strain indoors in a small closet grow. I am just using a 150watt hps light. She is about 2 weeks from being done. I am guessing I will get about 1 maybe 2 ozs from her. She has nice fat top buds. I also did take 2 clones from my outdoor plant. I have them under just simple cfl lighting, they are getting big already.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're set. You may want to add a cpl 6500k cfl's to the 150hps next time, a lil more light and a mix of spectrum seems to work good.


Well-Known Member
It's never too late....the later in flower the more ill advised.....but when the only option is root rot or any negative side effects of being in its pot...transplant...due to the shock it goes through growth will stagnate for a week or so depending on's my one for fun...separate from the "grow"...7ft already with a month of veg remaining..


Well-Known Member
ya sry. ik was a lil late. and someone else had already answered. was just giving ya my .02cents my good man.

keep it green.