Is it time to start giving nutes?


Active Member
I have 9 plants all 3 weeks from seed. All of them and I do mean all 9 of them have either bright light green or yellow leaves on the bottom they are all new leaves. All the other leaves are fine. Is it time to give nutes or do I need to reposition the lights so the bottom of the plants are getting more light? They're only about 3 inches tall and I keep the T5 2 inches above them and have cfls on the sides.


Misguided Angel
You should be safe to give them a light feeding of nutes like 1/4 strength or less, then take it from there.


Ursus marijanus
It depends on your soil and how you water. Without pics, I can't tell if it's underfeed, overwatering, pH/lockout or some combo. cn


Well-Known Member
1/4 strength grow nutes, no more. Schedule feed, water, water. Do not overwater. If you don't overwater and feed only every third time you will not nute burn them so easily.


Active Member
I'm using fox farms 80% light warrior the rest ocean forest. I pH my water to 6.5 and only water when the soil is dry I test with a meter and with my finger and the pots also feel really light when its time to water. I've been watering twice a week. Sorry for not having pics I will take some tomorrow. I gave them 1/4 strength fox farms grow big today and they seemed okay before lights out.


Active Member
My plants seem to be doing better. I pulled the dead shriveled leaves off and new green ones are growing in now. My plants responded well to their first dose of FF grow big a couple shot up real nice over the weekend.